If you're doing an import, it's a one-way/one-time thing with the info in FM 
being sucked into RH. If you want to be able to edit the contents in FM and 
have them flow through to RH, you need to use the linking function, not 

To eliminate your custom CSS as the culprit, try importing the FM files into a 
fresh RH book with the default CSS used - does it split up Heading 3 at that 
point? If so, then you know that your custom CSS is missing something.

I've never heard anyone mention seeing any of their style definitions in their 
CSS shown in the FM to RH conversion settings. Why would you expect to see 
them? If the styles aren't in use in your FM docs, then they won't show up in 
the resulting RH project. A CSS is really a set of formatting instructions for 
the output - you could define all sorts of styles in your CSS, but if they are 
never encountered, the CSS sections describing them won't be used.

From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Jay Mahler
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:46 PM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: More Frustrations with Robo8-FM9 in TCS2

Well, after several long conversations with Adobe technical support, I got 
RoboHelp to import FM books and files. It turns out that my registry was pretty 
messed. Ah, the plight of the technical writer with alpha-level software and 
innumerable geeky software products. I ended up reinstalling Win7 Pro, and 
after two days of installing required software, I was back in business.

Now, I'm still having strange Robo-FM linking (actually importing) problems. I 
am importing books into Robo because I want to be able to edit in either Robo 
or FM and have the edits reflected in the other source. I have a couple of 

*         I'm setting the "Pagination" option for Heading1, Heading2, and 
Heading3 in the Conversion Settings dialog box. After import, Heading1 and 
Heading2 sections are in separate topics, but Heading3s and their text are 
within the Heading2 topic. Any suggestions on how to make this work correctly? 
I'd rather not go through and manually copy these sections to new topics. I 
doubt the automatic updating across products will survive that.

*         I'm using a custom CSS, and it is specified in the Import drop-down 
of the Project Settings dialog box. When I try mapping from FM styles to 
RoboHelp Style in the Conversion Settings dialog box, the RoboHelp Style 
drop-down doesn't include additional styles defined in my custom CSS. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Jay Mahler

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