On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:09:52 -0700 (PDT) Corinne Kenney wrote:

> Frame 9, Windows XP.

> We're using Track Text Edits. Is there a way to open a pod and keep
the options on the desk top, or
> must I keep clicking Special > Track Text Edits > (selection).

> Looks like I will have to continue to access the Special menu. Anyone
know a quicker way?

You might also want to consider mods to the standard hotkeys. I use
tracking a lot, and have set up the F11 key combos as follows:

Alt-F11 - toggle tracking
<Modify TrackTextEdit           <KeySequence   ~/F11>>

F11 - accept selected edit
<Modify AcceptTrackTextEdit     <KeySequence    /F11>>

Shift-F11 - reject selected edit
<Modify RejectTrackTextEdit     <KeySequence   +/F11>>

Ctrl-F11 - find next tracked edit
<Modify ShowNextTrackTextEdit   <KeySequence   ^/F11>>

Shift-Ctrl-F11 - find previous tracked edit
<Modify ShowPrevTrackTextEdit   <KeySequence  +^/F11>>

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