Yes, in FM9 and 10 you can leave the pane open all the time - works especially 
well if you've got a large monitor or 2 of them.

From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Fred Ridder
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 8:01 AM
To: richard.combs at; tdev at; framers at
Subject: RE: Keep Cross Reference visible?

Responding to Theresa de Valence, Richard Combs wrote:
> > Is there a handy way to keep the cross reference window open? Or some
> > shortcut keys to open it?
> Oops, sent too soon. The shortcut Esc s c works in any FM version. But if 
> this is FM 9 or 10, there are other options.

On a Windows system, the Alt s c shortcut also works.
But this only works to *open* the cross-reference dialog rather than to *keep* 
it open. Keeping the dialog open is not possible (at least in the "old" UI--I 
haven't needed/wanted to migrate to FM9 or FM10 yet so I only can speak to 
versions through FM8), because it is a "modal" window. When the dialog is open, 
it always has the application's attention and you cannot perform any actions in 
the document window (not even moving the insertion point) so there is no point 
in keeping the dialog open. Has this changed in the new UI? Is it now non-modal?

-Fred Ridder

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