For better or worse, problems with 32-bit applications under 64-bit versions of 
Windows generally have absolutely nothing to do with the "migration from 32-bit 
to 64-bit addressing" in and of itself. 64-bit versions of Windows run 32-bit 
applications in 32-bit mode in the same way they ran under 32-bit versions of 
Windows with the same processor. In 32-bit mode, applications only "see" what 
looks like a 32-bit system including only 32-bit address spaces.

Where we typically see issues are in the following areas:

(1)          Installers. Older installers that followed the "rules" for the 
Microsoft Installer are not aware of some differences in the underlying 
"plumbing" of the 64-bit Windows versions and where certain files should/could 
be located and differences in other protocols in terms of registry entries, etc.

(2)          Drivers. Under 64-bit versions of Windows, drivers are all 64-bit. 
There are sometimes problems in the translation layer of the OS in 
communicating 32-bit program driver requests to 64-bit drivers. In other cases, 
the 64-bit drivers are not quite up to the maturity of their older 32-bit 
counterparts (read that as buggy and not quite ready for prime time). This is 
especially true for video drivers. Sometimes the problems are associated with 
various graphics acceleration modes provided by the combination of the graphics 
card/chip and the driver. Check to see if there is a newer version of the video 
driver for your 64-bit version of Windows - if not from the computer vendor, 
then from the video card/chip supplier. If an updated driver doesn't exist or 
doesn't solve the problem, if the video card's driver allows for disabling or 
reducing such acceleration, try doing that to remedy the OP's symptoms.

(3)          Aero. Beginning with Vista and continuing with Windows 7, 
Microsoft provided a desktop windowing scheme known as Aero that provides nice 
eye candy in terms of translucent window frames and other video effects on the 
desktop. In combination with applications that make extensive direct calls to 
the video driver, Aero only exacerbates the problems per (2) above. Try 
disabling Aero in combination with (2) above.

Note that the windowing, menus, and user interfaces provided by most current 
versions of Adobe applications including FrameMaker use Flash technology in 
conjunction with any acceleration provided by the video card and its driver and 
thus, issues of (2) and (3) above could result in the symptoms the OP describes.

                - Dov

From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Fred Ridder
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:13 PM
To: jim.pinkham at; kmann at; framers at
Subject: RE: FrameMaker 9

I'm afraid it may not be worth very much as a data point, because there is a 
world of difference between Windows XP and any 64-bit version of Windows Vista 
or (more likely in Karen's case because she does refer to a "new Dell") Windows 
7. When the issue is the stability (or lack thereof) of an application, the 
specific version of the OS is likely to be at least as much a factor as any of 
the hardware details with the possible exception of the amount of RAM. And the 
migration from 32-bit to 64-bit addressing was a major change that seems to 
have caused compatibilty and/or stability issues with a lot of apps.

Subject: RE: FrameMaker 9
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 19:53:02 -0500
From: Jim.Pinkham at<>
To: kmann at<mailto:kmann at>; framers at<mailto:framers at>
FWIW, I've been using FM 9 with these specs at work since December, and I've 
never run into the bug you're experiencing:

Dell Precision T3400
Win XP SP 3
2.67 gigahertz Intel Core2 Duo
64 kilobyte primary memory cache
4096 kilobyte secondary memory cache (3.3 GB usable installed memory)
64-bit ready
Multi-core (2 total)
Not hyper-threaded

I'm habitually running Office 2003, Acrobat X, and Illustrator CS 5 and half a 
dozen other things. My FM 9 books incorporate AutoCad and Inventor graphics, 
often run twice as large as yours. I sometimes don't reboot for a week at a 

I'm skeptical of Dell's allegation in your case.


From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Karen Mann
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:00 PM
To: framers at
Subject: FrameMaker 9
Has anyone else had this issue?

I have a new Dell,  64 bit, 12G RAM, 500 hd - 1g video on card, graphics card 
Navidia Quatro 2000 card,

Office 2010, Acrobat 9 - InDesign CS4

I usually run with 1 small doc open in Word and one explorer window open.

FrameMaker 9 (all updates) files are line art and text, 30 to 60 pages.
After a couple of hours of work the panels stop working. I can click on any 
icon and nothing works. So have to close out files and log back in FrameMaker. 
It will work for a while longer and then I have to reboot and start the cycle 

Dell has tried everything and nothing works.  They say it's a FrameMaker bug...

Would appreciate any assistance, and thank you in advance.
Karen M

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