Well, my company find took the pricey plunge and purchased the upgrade version 
of FM10 for my coworker and I (we both use FM8, though I use it better than he 
does, if you recall my previous posts).

Anyway, I'm still timid about doing the upgrade installation until I can come 
with a suitable replacement for the late Bruce Foster's archive.com plug-in. 
(Bruce hadn't completed an FM10 version of archive before he died last June.)

I'm aware of the ExtendScript thing for archiving, but I also am aware that it 
was still buggy, at least at that time it was being used by a few of you.

Also, I started to follow up on Klaus M?ller's suggestion about a FrameScript 
solution, but my Asian company balks at just about everything priced above 
so I'm forced to find something priced way less than the FrameScript solution. 
(But thank you anyway, Klaus! You're a good guy for getting back to me 

Due to how books are "compliled" here (with graphic images imported from 
network drive folders -- through no fault of mine), we really NEED archive or a 
suitable replacement for FM10, so we can keep FM10 books ready to open 
elsewhere. (Even our network is a veritable house-of-cards.) And btw, simply 
finding and putting all the miscellaneous graphics in one folder manually would 
pull me off the other insane deadlines I'm trying to achieve.

So the bottom line/question is if the ExtendScript thingy has been stabilized 
if another archive-type thing is out there.

-- Kenpo in Atlanta
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