I used Flare for about six months before moving back to FrameMaker and WebWorks 

I found that Flare was overly complex and hard to write in and took a lot more 
tweaking than MadCap's promotional videos would lead you to believe. Web-based 
output was good and fairly easy to set up but PDF output was not nearly as good 
as FrameMaker's.

If you are used to working in Word, take a look at WebWorks ePublisher. I think 
most Word users would find the transition to FrameMaker easier than the 
transition to Flare and with WebWorks you can use both Word and FrameMaker 
files to generate help.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com [mailto:framers-
> bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of laura at lavadome.net
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 3:43 AM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Madcap Flare vs Framemaker
>  Hi all
>  We are a small tech pubs department (2 of us) who currently use Word  for our
> documentation. We mainly publish to PDF, but use RoboHelp for a  very small
> help system. Ideally we?d like to use single-sourcing as much  as possible 
> moving
> forward, and add more online help to our  documentation suite.
>  We are looking to move away from Word to a tool better suited for  technical
> publications. At the moment we are considering MadCap Flare or  Adobe
> FrameMaker.
>  We?ve done a general search for pros and cons of both (we have used  Frame
> extensively in the past), and have installed the latest versions  of both. We 
> are
> interested in hearing if any other writers have  experiences that might help 
> us
> make the right choice!
>  If anyone has used Flare and gone back to Frame, or has any other  insights 
> that
> might help us, please do get in touch.
>  Many thanks
>  Laura

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