I've decided that the best approach is to have multiple (generally 2) versions 
of the Variables: one that simply handles the upper/lowercase issue and another 
that also handles any additional Char Tag issues.

Not all products will require 2 Variables as they don't all need to have Char 
Tags applied. Most situations are handled with the char formatting as part of a 
Para tag.

Thanks for everyone's help.


From: Grant Hogarth [mailto:gr...@hedgewizard.net]
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 11:28 AM
To: Alison Craig
Cc: Penelope Perkins; framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Variables and Character Formats

Alison ---
    A lot depends on how many variants you have.  You will have to define one 
for each product.
("SonixTouch", "SonixRemote", "SonixMDP", etc.), now if you want "SonixTouch 
Installation" to appear that way for the chapter title page and then appear 
"SonixTouch INSTALLATION" in the header, that gets a bit tricky, as one can't 
nest variables in FM.
One way to do this define the header on the master page as "<$ProductName> 
<AllCaps><Chapter Title Name><Default ? Font>"
You would also define a charformat tag of "AllCaps", and set the value of 
<$chaptertitlename> to "Installation"
(See attached.)

Others may have other solutions (possibly better)

(Sample FM 10 file attached --- although it may get stripped off by the server)

On 2/3/2012 5:15 PM, Alison Craig wrote:

I need the upper/lowercase mix so that when I use the product Variable in an 
all uppercase header, the product Variable remains a mix of upper/lowercase. 
For example:


Note that the upper/lowercase mix is a Marketing standard over which I have no 
control. We used to use all uppercase (SONIXMDP), then we went to a mix 
(SonixTOUCH) and now a different mix (SonixTouch). It's fun keeping up with 
Marketing ;-)))

>From your explanation, I'm going to need multiple versions of some of my 
>product Variables - which is a pain, but doable.

If I can't define more than one Char tag inside the Variable (Bold Italic and 
lowercase), then I'll have to create a new Char tag just to use with Variables.

Thanks, Alison

From: Penelope Perkins [mailto:penelope.perk...@synergex.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 4:03 PM
To: Alison Craig
Subject: RE: Variables and Character Formats


I'm unclear why you need the upper/lower case char formats in the variable. You 
can just create a variable with the text "SonixRemote" -- no need for formats 
at all.

However, you are correct that applying a char format to a variable does not 
work. If you need the product name to be bold or italic in a paragraph that is 
otherwise not bold or italic, you'll need to define additional variables thus:


(Using, of course, whatever your char tags are for bold and italic.)

Note that if the product name appears in, say, a heading paragraph that 
includes bold as part of the para format, then it will be bold. You would just 
use the plain version of the variable and let the para format take care of the 
bold. Does that make sense?

Hope this helps.


From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com> [mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com]<mailto:[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com]> On 
Behalf Of Alison Craig
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 3:50 PM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: Variables and Character Formats

FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit
FM Experience: 2-? years

I'm having a problem with applying a Character Tag to certain Variables. Some 
of my Heading styles appear in all Uppercase. However, internal standards 
require that certain product names always appear in a mix of Uppercase and 
Lowercase (eg, SonixTouch). To handle this, I create my product Variables as 


This is fine for product Variables that never require the application of a Char 
Tag. But some product Variables are sometimes required to be Bold, Italic, eg, 
SonixRemote: S<F-lowercase)>onix</>R<F-lowercase>emote</>

After applying the Char Tag for Bold, Italic, at some point (during Update 
Book?) part of the Char Tag is lost so instead of SonixRemote I get 
SonixRemote. I'm sure my mistake is something reasonably simple, but I have no 
idea how to fix this.

Any suggestions?


Alison Craig
Lead Technical Writer

604-279-8550 | fax 604-279-8559 | toll-free 1-866-437-9508
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation | www.ultrasonix.com<http://www.ultrasonix.com/>


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