Hi Gillian,

In the same sense both XMetaL and Oxygen also are out-of-the-box complete
DITA solutions. You can create, edit, modify, publish DITA content out of
the box using the default templates that come with the tool, to PDF, HTML,
Help etc..

What all these tools don't have is the option to manage the dita topics.
Unless you're satisfied with storing the contents in a file system you'll
definitely need a third party tool for content management.

And as soon as you need to adapt the stylesheets to your company look and
feel or if you start using filtering or even customization or have more
complex publishing needs - in all tools you'll have to rework stylesheets,
or EDD's or other files. For publishing you'll find the need to buy
additional tools soon enough, even with Adobe TCS4. 

So, 'out of the box' is a simplification .... but good enough to get started

To answer your question: I'm a happy FM user and will sure encourage you
download the trial to see for yourself.

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Wim Hooghwinkel

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +0000
From: Gillian Flato < >
To: "framers at lists.frameusers.com" <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on
TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that
contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions
to obtain the necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is
it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at nexenta.com

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