
Arnis said on the Adobe FrameMaker forum that the pages
get reorganized. His announcement is below.

Best regards


Adobe re-shuffled the Community Forums this morning, so there may have been 
some brief outages and some bookmarks may be hitting "Not found" pages.
All "empty" top-level product pages (i.e. those without direct discussions) 
have been cleaned out and the general disucssion pages are now the new top 
For the FrameMaker forums, this means that the new top-level page is: 
The sub-forums are listed in the links on the Overview page, EXCEPT for the 
FrameMaker-RoboHelp Integration link (since it's a sub-forum of the RoboHelp 
The direct link to the FM-RH forum is: 
You may need to update your bookmarks to all prodcut top-level forums.

Arnis Gubins - FrameMaker Community Moderator

From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Keith Soltys
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 5:36 PM
To: Framers Mailing List (framers at lists.frameusers.com)
Subject: Adobe FrameMaker forum down

It looks like something bad happened to the Adobe FrameMaker forum  on the 
community site. The page says it's not found or may have been deleted. 
Hopefully it's either undergoing maintenance or they have backups.


Keith Soltys
Senior Technical Writer
TMX Group
(416) 947-4397

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