Check the master and reference pages. The fonts pod can help with fon
replacement, but I think you have to  be in the specific page context. If
your docs are single sided, be sure to choose double-sided so you can see
the default master page as it probably contains these items in the header or
footer. For single sided document templates I always blank out the left
master pages a double-sided document and then save that having chosen
single-sided. Best to have invisible things blank.


[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alastair Dent
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 4:09 AM
To: framers at
Subject: Catalog definitions ... fonts not available

Ok, I've inherited some Frame docs that use Helvetica, Times and Courier.
Those fonts aren't on my system.

I'm using these docs to create a template.

I've opened the book and all documents, then used the Fonts pod to locate
missing fonts and replace with an existing font. I've saved the documents,
closed and re-opened them.

I still get the 'missing fonts' message. The error log says that the catalog
contains fonts that aren't on my system.

Obviously the styles catalog has styles using the missing fonts (but those
styles aren't used in my documents).

What is the best way of tackling this?

Alastair Dent

Technical Author

Imagination Technologies Limited

t: +44 (0)113 242 9814


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