I recently upgraded from Frame 7.2 to 11 and have found that some of my 
reference page elements didn't make the transition very well.

I have 2-column, 1-row tables with "Note", "Important", or "Warning" in the 
first cell. These labels are non-anchored frames in the reference page and 
appeared just fine in Frame 7.2 body pages. In Frame 11, these labels are cut 
off so that when I insert one of these tables into the body, the "Note" label 
displays "No", "Important" displays "Import", and "Warning" displays "Warn".

My question is 2-part: First, how do I adjust these unanchored frames in the 
Reference page so that when I insert a new one of these tables, the full word 
displays in the first cell?

My second question is: Is there a way to "fix" all of the existing tables 
globally that are already in the document so I don't have to manually stretch 
the first cell on every occurrence of these tables in each of my projects?

Thank you for the help,

David Millis

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