I have a bunch of joboptions settings on my website at:

For the first one, you would probably want the WebDownload file; for the
second, _probably_ the PDFX-1a_SWOP_150LPI file*.

*File for commercial printers need to be make for the exact type of printing
process (sheetfed coated, SWOP/magazine-type printing, newprint, etc.).

I can modify them for you if you need.

David Creamer
IDEAS Training
Adobe Authorized Instructor & Certified Expert since 1995
Authorized QuarkXPress Instructor and Certified Expert since 1988

From: Alison Craig <alison.cr...@ultrasonix.com>
To: "framers at lists.frameusers.com" <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: OT: Acrobat Joboption Files
        <17474827509158478EE10BC6B977A3E30D3A255409 at exchange.ultrasonix.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7, 64 bit
Acrobat: 9.5.5

I'm hoping someone on the list can pint me in the right direction...

I'm looking for an Acrobat expert who can create two Joboptions files with
only what I require. I took a class at a local tech college last year to try
and acquire the necessary skills myself, but they didn't teach the details I
was looking for.

In the first version, I want to cull any unnecessary file bloat while
maintaining bookmarks, links, a functioning TOC and the appropriate quality
images for digital viewing.

In the second, I want higher quality images and no links of any kind as this
version is used to create hard copy at a local print shop.

In both cases, I'm looking for the smallest files possible while still
providing all my required options. Download times are important.

Does anyone know of a contractor I could connect with?

Thanks, Alison

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