I think it's - well, not perhaps "fair enough" that people are "super-rude" to 
customer service "chat" staff, 
but it's completely natural and understandable:

As well as having all the normal non-verbal human communications cues stripped 
It also features:
- usually some obviously fake picture of a cheery airbrush-face model who's 
meant to be the person you're talking to. But isn't. So you immediately get the 
vibe of "I'm being lied to"
- it's usually very SLOW, which gives you the non-verbal cue that you're 
talking to a person whose brain is also very SLOW
- they usually talk to you using pre-scripted phrases, which gives instant 
impressions of insincerity, artificiality, fake-ness, 'spin', etc

So that naturally gets people's backs up.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Bethany Lee <bethany.lee at 

>  I want to know what happened after this. Did he transfer you or hang up
> on you? I think if I were Pete, and you said, ?Do I have a choice?? I would
> have said, ?yeah, you can wait while I transfer you or you can quit this
> chat. It?s your choice. ? J ****
> I think people doing chat help get a lot of crap from users of chat help.
> It?s super easy to be rude to people who are on chat help and I bet they
> experience a lot of that every day. I think it takes a steel exterior to be
> able to do customer service of any kind, and chat service even more so.
> Maybe Pete doesn?t have that steel exterior or maybe he?s just been doing
> it too long and he needs a change of job.****

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