I posted a long and reasonably comprehensive discussion of this whole issue 
about a week and a half ago in response to a query from Pascale Stephenson with 
the subject "Unavailable fonts message - incorrect??". You might want to look 
that up in the list archive, or if neither the archive nor a Google site search 
is working, I can forward you a copy.

But to briefly address your specific issues:

One partial solution to the problem generating a PDF when some files throe 
missing fonts messages is to open all the files in the book *before* you 
attempt to create the PDF. That way you will have already dismissed all the 
warning messages and none will remain to interrupt the PDF generation process. 
But I refer to this as only a partial solution because it can cause problems 
with the embedding of fonts in the PDF.

The key to making the font substitution permanent is an option tucked away in 
the user preferences dialog: Remember missing font names. This option is 
enabled in a default FrameMaker installation, and what is does is to make the 
substitution for missing fonts on a *temporary* basis. While you are editing 
(or printing) the file, you will see the substituted fonts; but Frame remembers 
the original font specifications, and when you save the file Frame uses those 
*original* font names. To make the substitution permanently, you must disable 
the "Remember missing font names" preference*before* you open and resave the 
files. But you probably should re-enable the option once you are done fixing 
the specific set of files, because normally the "remember" behavior is very 

-Fred Ridder

From: andrew.smit...@baesystems.com
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Font substitution
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 17:04:09 +0000

Hi all

I?m using Frame V7.1, working on a set of legacy documents that have come from 
another machine in a different age.

Working within a book some of the files report missing fonts, an old chestnut I 
know. I can live with the fact that it?s substituting fonts but when I try to 
make a PDF of the book Frame reports that it cannot open the files, so it 
 make the PDF. There is really no scope for putting new fonts on the machine.

What strikes me as odd is that, despite me having opened these files and 
resaving them, Frame still reports the fonts as missing, so any substitutions 
being made do not seem to be recorded.

Manually changing the fonts in each format is not really an option as there are 
loads of formats and quite a few entries in the documents show the asterisk for 
overrides, so I don?t really want to go adjusting formats globally.

So the questions is this; is there a way of telling Frame to make the font 
substitution permanent once I?ve opened and resaved the files or is there 
another solution that I?m not aware of?

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