Tori Muir wrote:

> - We have saved selected chunks of the Word doc to RTF and imported to
> Frame. On the plus side, paragraph formatting comes in OK, and tables
> are tables (there are a bazillion tables). <snip>

You can't help going slightly nuts. :-} 

If there are lots of tables, you'll go significantly less nuts if you get Rick 
Quatro's TableCleaner plugin ( When you bring Word tables into 
FM, the Word heading row becomes a body row and every cell has custom ruling 
and shading applied. TableCleaner lets you globally convert body rows to 
heading rows and remove custom ruling and shading (you can include/exclude 
specific table formats). It also makes quick work of any global resizing needed 
(again, you can include/exclude specific table formats). I highly recommend it. 

Assuming you're billing your client by the hour, I also recommend keeping 
careful records of the time spent cleaning up the mess and calling that to your 
client's attention. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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