
A book structure representation is typically unreliable until after a
book update. Did you try a book update after adding files?

Also, related to the previous comment, you should avoid trying to move
documents around by moving their root elements in the book structure
tree. You should use the book window, then use a book update to
automatically refresh the structure tree.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:57:49 +0000
From: Simon BUCH <>
To: 'Framers' 
Subject: Adding structured files into a book yields the wrong order in
 the structure
Message-ID: <51F666CD.3040509 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Dear Framers,

This is a resend of my previous message - as I suspect the FrameUsers 
list doesn't allow for attachments - such as graphics - to be sent.

I've been having a problem with adding FrameMaker structured documents 
into a structured book, and I wonder if any of you guys have experienced

the same or similar effect.

FWIW, I'm using FrameMaker 10, running on Windows7 - both with the 
latest patches installed.
The files are organised in sub-section documents, such as 
being the ENR 3.3 document, and sub-sub-section documents having 
additional numbering, such as:

If I select a range of documents in an explorer window, and drag the 
documents inside the book file, I appear to be able to get the whole 
structure of the document messed up.

I dragged the files to be after the document, and before 
the document. The book file appears to have the documents 
in the correct order, followed by,,, etc. but the structure view shows that

they are located /after/ the document!

The effect of adding these documents gets even stranger when I noticed 
that the,, and - which /were/ 
in the correct order /before /the drag-drop function, are somehow

If I try rearranging some of the files in the structure view window, I 
have seen FrameMaker crash a few times.

I managed to add the files in the correct order by:
a. move the insertion pointer in the structure view
b. select the FrameMaker Add > Files... menu item
c. In the "Add Files to book" dialog, with the "details" being shown:
 reserve the Name sort order in the Windows dialog, so it shows Z - 
A ordering
d. select the second file in the reversed order [e.g. the "y" file]
e. shift-select the last file in the reversed order [e.g. the "a" file]
f. control-select the first file in the reversed order [e.g. the "z"
... but even with this, I found that FrameMaker added the files into the

book 2 elements /after/ where I had moved the insertion pointer.

Has anyone else observed these behaviours before?

// Simon BUCH -- M-AIS
// [still working with FrameMaker after all these years]


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