Here's one of those nefarious colour questions ;)
I'm using FrameMaker 11, although by the looks of the dialog I've got on my 
screen, these settings haven't changed since at least Frame 5.5 ;)

I'm doing a doc where the company's branding guidelines ask for a squiggly line 
in a particular colour.
They're asking for "Pantone 390C"
The interweb tells me the "C" suffix stands for Coated.

So, if I go to View > Colour > Definitions, then Colour Definitions, I can 
chose "PANTON(r) Coated" from the list.
However, the dialog this brings up is offering colours with a "CVC" suffix. The 
interweb appears to suggest this means "Computer Video"?  Is that not something 
different? I am confused! Why doesn't it just say "C" for the suffix?

In any case: the only reason I'm bothering about this at all is:
The Branding Guide I'm using also has a suggest CYMK match for the Pantone 
I can type this in instead, but from reading the FrameMaker documentation, it 
seems to suggest that if I ask it to put that colour in as a "Spot", with a 
named Pantone ink, then it will make its way through like that into whatever 
PDF I make?
And it will then be up to the printer driver on whatever printer prints it to 
decide the best CYMK match for "Pantone 390C" at print time... which is likely 
to be a better match then me & Frame guessing here today.
Does this actually work though? Or will Frame still turn the spot-ink named 
Pantone into an RGB value when distill it to a PDF?
(Mind you, if I specify it as a CMYK, it's almost certainly going to RGB-ify 
it? Or has Frame11 stopped all that nonsense? I've read much wailing and 
gnashing of teeth about this online....)

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