Thank you very much, Scott! I appreciate your feedback. When I was looking for 
an image properties dialog, I came across the Anchored Frame dialog and you're 
right, it does set the alignment attribute too.

I will report the bug to Adobe because I'd prefer to not have to set that for 
each image!


Scott Prentice <sp10 at> , 6/11/2013 3:34 PM:
                   Hi Heather...

       I believe that FM's default DITA support doesn't respond to       
editing the image attributes directly (might work with some of       them). 
Select the anchored frame and choose Special > Anchored       Frame, then 
select the desired alignment. This will set the frame       alignment and 
*should* set the alignment attribute as well. There       are a number of other 
properties/attributes that work this way as       well. In general, it's set up 
to use the "GUI" property setting       options rather than setting things via 

       You should be able set the default value in the EDD and the r/w       
rules, and it should honor that when inserting the image. If it       doesn't, 
that's definitely a bug.

       BTW .. DITA-FMx does these things properly.? :o



          On 6/11/13 12:19 PM, Heather Thomas       wrote:
                          Thank you, Nadine and Scott, for your replies.

           Nadine: I am using FM 11 (sorry I didn't specify in my first         
  post). Yes, I want to change the default alignment of images.           I did 
change the default setting in the EDD and then import           the element 
definitions into my template. I know that the EDD           was imported 
because when I set choices vs. string, I could           see the choices in the 
Attributes pod. What I'm asking is why           FrameMaker is ignoring the 
default of left that I set and           leaving it as <no value>, but instead 
is making it           center aligned when I save. What's especially mysterious 
is           that it actually says at the bottom of the Attributes pod          
 "align Type: Optional Choice Default: left" but doesn't use           that 
default value.

           Scott: Thanks for your suggestion to "use the default image          
 properties dialog. Don't try setting the element attribute." I           
happily excused your unexpected brevity because you sent your           message 
from your phone. :) Perhaps sometime when you are at           your computer, 
could you please elaborate on this? I can't           find the dialog you 
mentioned, and if this is actually a bug           that I can't set the element 
attribute using my EDD, then I           would like to report it. I have read 
your response on the           following Adobe forum post:   Like the original           poster 
there, the Anchored Frame dialog works properly for me.           Manually 
setting the attribute to left does what I would           expect as well. I 
have also ensured that I have the following           in my rules:
           attribute "align" {           

??? is fm attribute "align";           

??? is fm property alignment;           

??? value "left" is fm property value align left;           Like I said before, 
it's not critical or anything, but it           would be nice if we could set 
the default alignment in the EDD           and have FM obey it.

           Thanks again!

           PS - Please note that there is a delay of at least 24 hours          
 from the time I post to the time my message appears on the           list.

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