To recap: I have an file exported from Microsoft Access called 
Storytext.xml. I want to "import" this into a structured Frame document 
(template) which will "automatically" reformat the contents according to 
extant elements/paratags/chartags.

You can probably tell that I don't exactly understand what the 
structured document will be doing, if ever I get it working OK.  I have 
now been through Steve Rickaby's excellent intro to structured Frame. 
And I have been (successfully) through some parts of the Adobe 
Structured Application Developers Guide for Frame v.8, but they would be 
very small parts!

I've successfully built an EDD called for which I have used 
the structure tools to convert to DTD.

I have imported the EDD into my "template" document.

I will not be round-tripping, simply reading an .xml file and 
"processing it" so it ends up in my Frame template.

Here's where I am:
Regarding the structured application, which I found here:
<Frame location>/Structure/
I have placed this at the top of the file:
Application name:       WhosM



Read/write rules: 

DOCTYPE:        Document
The read/write rules look like this:

fm version is "8.0";

  * Include all ISO entity mapping rules.

writer do not output book processing instructions;
The Storytext.xml file can be opened in Frame, the log says:

XML Read Report Log
June 21 2:50 pm
Source Document C:\Data\Access\Reports\StoryText.xml

XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog)
  C:\Data\Access\Reports\StoryText.xml; line 1
Ignoring book component processing instruction. No book has been generated.

However, the master pages which get applied to Storytext.xml look like 
nothing I've ever seen before (a giant 1 in the right hand corner).

The entire contents have a Body paratag which uses a Minion Pro 11 pt font.

The body lines are broken with CR before and after character tags 
(Emphasis, etc).

The Structure View is all red with dashed lines.

Any ideas what is happening?
Should the file I'm processing be in the same directory as the application?
Are my application file names too long?
Where might the "template" it's using be coming from?

Thanks for your help,

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