There is a discussion of how to use markers in Framemaker to control 
page breaks in RoboHelp at

As with most things, there are many ways to achieve the desired 
outcome. Often combinations of ways work well. I haven't used the 
markers solution yet, but it seems to me to be a better and easier 
approach than trying to maintain many different paragraph styles in 
Framemaker. One marker, such as PageBreak, applied to the FM files 
everywhere you want RH to break a page would seem to me to be easier 
to apply than changing paragraph tags. I try to keep my paragraph 
catalog as slim as possible. Just my thoughts.


At 11:00 AM 3/2/2013, you wrote:
>From: Nancy Allison <maker at>
>Precedence: list
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: framers at
>Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 13:50:48 -0600 (CST)
>Message-ID: <9033605.1504140.1362167448401.JavaMail.root at vznit170132>
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
>Subject: Re: RE: Chunking FM files into Topics for RH
>Message: 8
>  Carol, are you speaking of custom Markers that RH could then look 
> for? I like the idea of just removing unwanted topics, sounds very painless!

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