Have you ever been turned down for a project request that you thought was
not only reasonable but vital? If so, the issue might be in how you
presented it.? 
Join us for a live webinar May 30, 8am Pac, 11am Eastern
Sign up here: http://bit.ly/13V5s8F  

As practicing professionals in any arena, we tend to assume everyone sees
the importance of what we do. Our initiatives are focal to us, but do we
always take the time to explain how they're focal to the business? Business
leadership, like any other audience, has its own vocabulary and information
needs-and we ignore those needs at our peril. 

In this webinar, Bonni Graham Gonzalez?explores:
* key elements of your audience's vocabulary
* the basic theory behind a strong business case
* an example of an effective business case structure. 

Join us for a lively discussion of how you can create more effective
business proposals that improve approval rates so you can do your job!

While many more than 100 people/locations can sign up for this webinar, only
the first 100 people/locations to join live can attend. We will record this
webinar and make the recording available.?


Sharon Burton
Twitter: sharonburton
Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and bn.com

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