Carol J. Elkins wrote:

> The Running H/F in my master page calls for a paratag  like this:
> <Running H/F 2 <$paratext[H2 SubTitle]>
> I have child pages (each a separate file) that use that same master
> page, but because they are child pages, they don't have their own [H2
> Sub Title] paratag anywhere in the file. I want that Running H/F to
> locate the last instance of the paratag, which would be on the parent
> page, which is in a previous file. In other words, I want it to look
> backward instead of forward.
> You can tell Frame to look backward for a paratag in the same file,
> but I can't find any mention in Frame11 Help about looking backward
> for a paratag in a previous file.
> Is this even possible? If so, how do I revise the Running H/F 2 call
> to that paratag so that it works as described?
> If not, then I know I will need to move all of the child pages into
> the same file as the parent page that contains the [H2 Sub Title]
> paratag. But there are hundreds of them and I'd rather not.

As Matt suggested, you can fake it with xrefs (but note that they'll be 
hyperlinks) or define a user variable for it. Alternatively, if each "child 
page" is in its own file, you could import its contents (text flow) into the 
main file as a text inset. Of course, that might initially be about as much 
work as moving the "child pages" into the main file. 

I guess the best approach depends on why the content in these "child pages" was 
put into separate files to begin with (and whether that reason is still 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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