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-------------- next part --------------
; this script converts tables to text
; find the desired table once, before running the script

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ; this sets the title match to be anywhere in the 
window title

Dim $max
Dim $x = 1

$max = InputBox("","How many tables?","10")
WinActivate(".fm") ; this activates the window that has .fm in the title bar 
(which may be hidden)
While $x <= $max
    Send("^+f") ; presses CTRL+SHIFT+f to find next
    Sleep(100) ; pause 100 milliseconds - you may need to increase this time if 
you have a slow computer
    Send("!tvc") ; presses ALT+t,v,c to convert the table to text
    Sleep(100) ; pause 100 milliseconds - you may need to increase this time if 
you have a slow computer
    $x = $x + 1

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