Maybe what is happening is that you are closing the file without saving once
the markers have  been inserted.


[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Fred Ridder

But the real point I want to make is that FrameMaker does not link to
paragraphs; it *only* links to markers. When you create a cross-reference,
FrameMaker gives you the option of viewing a list of all paragraphs of a
particular style so that you can choose the targtet. But when you tell
FrameMaker to make the cross-reference, it does *not* link to the paragraph
itself. Instead, it links to a uniquely numbered marker that is located
within that paragraph; and if no suitable marker exists, it automatically
creates one for you. Whether the paragraph is empty or not can determine
what is displayed at the referring end of the cross-reference (e.g., the
autonumber and/or the text of the paragraph); but as far as the link itself
is concerned, the only thing that matters is the location of marker with the
matching ID. 

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