VLM TechSubs wrote:

> Which has given me an idea. Perhaps I should just put some nonprinting
> character into all those empty chapter heading paragraphs, so that they no
> longer appear empty to FrameMaker. QUESTION: What character to use. I
> don?t wish to alter the spacing (centering) of these headings. I could use a 
> thin
> space, the effect of which on alignment would be minimal. But is there a
> nonprinting character I could use, that will not affect alignment at all and 
> that
> will not have any adverse effect?

This shouldn't be necessary. Frame will not trip over an empty paragraph. And 
when you refer to an empty paragraph, a marker will be placed in the paragraph 
and it won't be empty anymore. 
You're better off switching on View->Text Symbols so you can see where the 
empty paragraphs (and markers) are. 

But why refer to empty headings in the first place? I assume you don't know yet 
what the title will be, but if that's the case, how can you refer to something 
if you haven't decided what you will be referring to? 

Harro de Jong

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