I'm running Frame 9 on each of two Windows 7 laptops, which I'll call computer 
A and computer B.

Computer A is running version 9.0p196. (A while back it was fully updated but 
my hard drive crashed and I had to start over.)
Computer B is running version 9.0p255.

My problem is that on computer A I am not able to select a paragraph tag by 
hitting F9 and then typing the first few characters of the tag name. For 
example, I have the following:


Naturally if I hit F9 then "b" it activate b1Body1. On computer B, if I enter 
"bu" then I get to bu1Bullet1. On computer A, typing "bu" does not move me from 
b1Body1 to bu1Bullet1. I have to use the down arrow key.

I suspect this has to do with my version.

So my QUICK question is, can someone help me understand what version to update 
to from 9.0p196 to get to 255? And how to get that?

For a full explanation of why I'm asking this question, read on. It will 
probably give you a headache. Thank you in advance. :)

-          Tim

Continuing, the second problem I have is that I cannot download an update on 
computer A. Upon asking Frame to look for updates, I get the following message: 
"The update server is not responding, which means it might be offline at the 
moment, or the Internet or firewall settings may be incorrect. Please try again 
later." (It works fine on computer B.)

This error occurs on my work network and at home.

Through some logic (I don't remember actually), several weeks ago I managed to 
download the FrameMaker_9_0_4_win.exe update. (I didn't get it on computer B 
because computer B tells me there is no update to p255.) Anyway, when I try to 
install this upgrade on computer A it tells me that this update is for the 
version p250 build. Then it quits.

I find that taking a screen shot of this email and turning it upside down makes 
it more readable.

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