Dear all,

In the FM documents (FM-9) of a customer a special symbol inside an x-ref 
format loses its font 
information - only from time to time, but quite frequently. The symbol is then 
displayed as 2 
rather than the page-symbol. Refreshing the screen with CTRL+l does not help. 
The only bypass is 
to save the document, close it and open it again. It happens on XP as well as 
on W7.

The x-ref format:
<X:CrossRef><$paranum>,\ <U:SpecialSymbols><U:Black>2<Default ? 
Font><X:CrossRef>\ <$chapnum>-
<$pagenum><Default ? Font>

The character formats are:
X:CrossRef         Color blue, Pair Kern
U:SpecialSymbols   Wingdings, 9.0pt, others: as-is
U:Black            Color black, Pair Kern

Could the reason be in the accumulation of character formats?

Klaus Daube
Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E: ddd at  W:

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