I have additional information concerning the pdf issue with Imago BQ Bold not 
embedding in the PDF and being substituted with Imago BQ BoldItalic. After I 
generate the pdf, there is a Frame console message displaying that indicates:
Two or more font files with the same name 'UniversLTStd Regular Light Condensed 
(C:\windows\Fonts\UniversLTStd-LightCn.otf) are installed. Only the first font 
file will be used"

I have attached a screen capture of the message.

From: George, Brenda (CAI)
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:27 PM
To: 'framers at lists.frameusers.com'
Subject: FW: Structured FrameMaker 11 Windows 7 Font Issues

I have an update concerning the font issue message that I am receiving when I 
am importing xml feeds into FM11. I opened the Read/Write file and received a 
message that the fonts need updated. The fonts that were being applied to the 
text in the Read/Write files were old fonts that needed to be updated. I 
updated these fonts, saved and then exited frameMaker, then reopened it. I then 
began reimporting the xml feeds. I am not noticing any font issue messages 
anymore, so I appear to have resolved the issue.

I am still having issues with the Imago BQ Bold font not embedding in the PDF 
and being substituted with Imago BQ BoldItalic font.

From: George, Brenda (CAI)
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:38 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: Structured FrameMaker 11 Windows 7 Font Issues

In my office we are upgrading from Structured FrameMaker 8 in a Windows XP 
environment to Structured FrameMaker 11 in a Windows 7 environment. I am 
currently performance testing the tasks that I need to perform. Part of the 
tasks involve importing XML feeds into Structured FrameMaker 11 using an 
automated process. After the XML has been imported, it is fully formatted in 
FrameMaker. I am noticing that most of the xml imports are throwing a font 
issue message. Refer to the attachment image named "font_issue_message" for an 
example of this message. Please note that I during this testing period, we 
upgraded two font families that are used:
Imago Book

These were upgraded to:
Imago BQ
Bembo STD

This upgrade involved reinstalling the fonts on the test computer. This is when 
I started to notice these font related error messages.

I updated the FrameMaker templates and the EDD with the new fonts. The attached 
image named "font_issue_message" displays an font issue message that I am 
receiving. The font Bembo is the old font that has been replaced by Bembo STD. 
I'm also noticing Times is displaying in the error message. When the new fonts 
were installed this appears to have been replaced with Times New Roman.

I'm also encountering a FrameMaker console message with one set of xml feeds 
that are imported into a specific template. Please refer to the attached text 
file named "FrameMaker_Console_xml_importing_error_message". This is occurring 
because there are some xml tags that need to be unwrapped via the Read/Write 
Rules before being imported into the FrameMaker template. I think that this is 
why this error message is occurring. I was able to fix this in other FrameMaker 
templates by removing the unwrapping command in the Read/Write Rules. In order 
to maintain the structure for this template I need to maintain this unwrapping 
feature in this template. When I validate the  imported FrameMaker file using 
the FrameMaker validation tool, these FrameMaker files are valid and are 
formatted correctly. The problem is when I create pdfs, the font Imago BQ Bold 
is not embedding in the pdf. It is being substituted with Imago BQ BoldItalic. 
I have attached a screen capture named "Imago BQ Bold not embedding"  of the 
Adobe Acrobat Pro Document Properties/Fonts box that displays the embedded 
fonts for the problem pdfs. This font embedding issue is not occurring with the 
other FrameMaker files that use other templates.

I ran a test in which I eliminated the xml code that was causing the FrameMaker 
console error message. When I imported the xml feed into the FrameMaker 11 
template, the imported xml feed did not throw an error message. I generated a 
pdf for this FrameMaker file and the pdf is still substituting Imago BQ Bold 
with Imago BQ BoldItalic and is not embedding Imago BQ Bold font into the pdf, 
so I do not think that there is a correlation between the FrameMaker console 
error message that I am getting and the issue concerning the PDF font 
substitution issue.

The version of Adobe Acrobat that I am using is Adobe Acrobat X Pro.

Any help that you can provide to me will be appreciated.


Brenda George

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