On the index reference page, I needed to insert a tab character in front of the 
<$pagenum> building block . in the paragraph tagged
"IndexIOM". Works fine now!


From: VLM TechSubs [mailto:techs...@vibrantlivingministries.org] 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Framers
Subject: FM 8: Right-align page numbers in index


In my index, I've set the paratags for the three existing index levels 
(Level1IOM, etc.) to have a right-aligned tab with leader
dots, and I've inserted a tab character in each of the three corresponding 
paragraphs on the IX reference page, resulting in 


When I manually insert a tab in any of the three levels on a body page, 
everything looks fine. But when I generate the index from
the book, the tab characters do not show up in the index entries. 

Obviously, there's "one more thing" for me to do. Can anyone suggest what that 
might be?

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