Ask the customer if they have the italic form of the font. They may just have 
forgotten to give it to you - or they may insist you use bold for emphasis too.

If you fake it with Oblique, I think that does carry through to PDF but not 
HTML. Someone else correct me if I'm wrong on that.


>>> Stuart Rogers <srogers at> 21/01/14 12:02 >>>
On 2014-Jan-20 5:43 PM, Tammy Van Boening wrote:

A client is insisting on using a proprietary font in the source FM files 
despite my best attempts to keep them vanilla with Times New Roman and Arial. 
They have supplied me with two font sets for this font - one is Regular weight 
(to be used for any paragraph tags that are non-Heading tags) and a Bold weight 
(to be used for any paragraph tags that are Heading tags).  I have several 
character formats in my catalog that I want to be able to continue to use. One 
of these tags is Emphasis. All properties for the tag are set to As Is with the 
exception of the angle, which I have set to Italic. 
When I apply this tag to any paragraph tags that are non-Heading tags (i.e., 
the tags use the regular weight version of this proprietary font), the tag is 
apparently not applied. The font angle does not change, and in the lower left 
corner of the page identifying what tags are being used, I see Emphasis with an 
asterisk in front of it (*Emphasis).  I thought that maybe I had corrupted the 
tag somehow, so I applied the same tag to some text that used simply good old 
Times New Roman font in the same document, and voila, the text was immediately 
italicized and the tag showed Emphasis without an asterisk.
I have not really ever had to use proprietary fonts before in a FM source file, 
so I am obviously missing something behind the use of such fonts that is 
preventing character tags from being applied as expected. 
Any guidance/assistance is greatly appreciated.

My first guess is that the Regular font set does not contain the glyphs for 
italics -- especially given that the client has provided a completely separate 
file for Bold. So FM is attempting to apply the tag, but it can't change the 
appearance because the needed characters don't exist.  You might be able to 
redefine the tag to use "Obliqued" as the angle, and FM will try to fake 
italics by sloping the roman glyphs. But the true solution would be to purchase 
the italic font file required.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

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