Hi! I'm looking for some guidance for a challenge I was given. My 
workplace is wanting to make products using Agile development and by 
making things more "modular". I don't know that management knows what this 
means exactly, but I have been tasked to see how our product literature 
can and should fit in with this idea. The basic idea as I understand it is 
that we would have bits of information about a product that could be 
shared in multiple manuals and possibly other documents (such as 
requirement specifications). One engineer involved mentioned that in order 
to manage all of the software development, the company plans to use 
Polarion (and he asked me about Frame and API possibilities--I found the 
Frame Developer Center page and passed that along to him). I also know 
that Atlassian tools are also being used (I believe in regards to the 
Agile development initiative), but I do not understand how those two sets 
of tools are related.

Has anyone had any experience with similar concepts or with the specific 
tools as they relate to using FrameMaker? How does structure documentation 
fit in with this, if at all? Any pointers to things I can read or 
consultants to consult or training I can attend? Anything at all would be 
helpful. I feel like I'm on my tip-toes and the water is up to my neck 
already. I know, I know, breathe....


Fyi: We're currently using unstructured Frame 12 in Windows 7. We output 
PDF for print and the web as our deliverable.

Eric Isaacson
Product Literature Manager
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