You can update a variable in all .fm files in a .book with a single import.

Yes, but that presupposes that you want *all* the variables from the source file. But in my case, I have different variables in different FrameMaker templates (for frontmatter, ToC, chapters), with only some variables, such as the doc's part number, in all the templates. So by using BookVars, I can easily change/add only the desired variable, to all files in the book, without affecting any other variables.

So it depends on your setup which method is easier/quicker/applicable.

(But if you're at a company that won't allow you to install such utilities, as is the case with John I believe, you just have to do things the manual way. I've been at places like that, and it's always a drag on my productivity. I'm happy to be working on my own system now where I can use any utility that I want :-).


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