Hi all,

I've been learning to publish to HTML5  from FM 2015 and I have a couple of 
"problem paragraph styles" and I'm hoping someone here has a fix suggestion.  
Here's what I'm doing:

The Beware, Note, Important and Tip paragraph styles all begin with the 
corresponding tag word and are configured with hanging indent to accentuate the 
tag word.  I have 3 note styles, each indented a different amount to align with 
BodyText (Note0) and list level indents (Note1, Note2). The other styles are 
configured to make their tag word extend into the side head in the PDF output, 
but I don't think that makes a difference in the HTML5 output, which is 
formatted based on an imported CSS.
Until recently, I've been typing & formatting that tag word manually each time. 
 Now, I'm trying to let FM 2015 do it by configuring the paragraphs to 
"autonumber" the paragraph with the tag word, and each tag word has a distinct 
character style applied.

Here's the problem: Tip, Important, Note1 & Note2 all render correctly in the 
HTML5. The Beware and Note0 styles appear correctly except no character style 
is applied to the tag word.  It's extra troubling because the Beware and 
Important styles are almost identical--the only difference is the text and 
character style of their tag words-- but 1 works and the other doesn't.

When I look in the source code, the paragraphs that render correctly, have span 
tags that apply the character style (class) to the tag text.  For some reason, 
those other 2 do not and their tag words appear in the default paragraph (body) 
Important Style works:

-          CSS

p.ImportantP {





p.ImportantP:before {

                     content:Important: \0020;


span.ImportantC {







-          OUTPUT:
<p dir="ltr" class="ImportantP"><span 
 data should be logged on the <?rh-udv_start name="SurveyDredgepack" ?>SURVEY 
or DREDGEPACK(r)<?rh-udv_end ?>&#160;computer.

Beware style doesn't.

-          CSS:

p.WarnP {





p.WarnP:before {

                  content:beware: \0020;


span.WarnC {







-          OUTPUT:

<p dir="ltr" class="WarnP">&#160;Beware! <span style="padding-left: 27pt;" 
class="FMAutoNumber_1"></span>Take care about archiving files that may be 
contained in more than one LOG file. If you archive a file contained in more 
than one cata&#173;log, it will be unavailable to any catalogs of which it is a 
member in your Data Files list.</p>
Where is the FMAutoNumber_1 class from? (It's not in the CSS) And why does it 
appear in 2 styles, but not the others?

I'm out of ideas. How about you?

Judy Bragg
Technical Writer/QC
HYPACK - A Xylem Brand
56 Bradley St.
Middletown, CT 06457
O: +1.860.635.1500
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