Caroline, consider purchasing the very inexpensive TableCleaner plug-in that Rick Quatro built to strip out all of the Word formatting on tables and applying the defined table styles. It won't help with shading, but it will certainly make it far easier to predictably apply formatting to the table.

You can get the plug-in here: I am not affiliated in any way; I'm just a very grateful user.


At 01:13 AM 8/22/2018, Caroline Tabach wrote:
I am finally converting user guides from Word to Frame 2017.
The conversion went very well, however, the user guide I received has many
tables with shading and ruling in all sorts of places, which reflect the
way they are divided on screen
In Frame is there a way to add ruling or shading to a particular cell.
Is it worth trying to copy all of this, as these changes need to be done


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