Arbortext is much more pure XML/
SGML than FrameMaker. The downside is that it usually isn’t cost effective. It 
costs more to get the same amount of facility that FrameMaker gives you out of 
the box. Things like printers, PDF, and the other bells and whistles that 
FrameMaker gives you, like the visual confirmation that format is being 
rendered correctly. 

It requires more steps to do what FrameMaker does. Since you are going to 
produce in PDF format it isn’t a cost effective tool. 

You could do the same thing using Oxygen, which is a text editor also, but much 
cheaper. For your money, time and response to deliver product, FrameMaker is 
the premier tool.

> On Nov 20, 2018, at 17:40, <> 
> <> wrote:
> I had Arbortext demo'ed to me about 10 years ago, so keep in mind my info
> could be VERY out of date. (But then again, Frame from about 10 years ago is
> still similar to the Frame of today, just some enhanced features...) Also,
> my demo was coming from the client, not the Arbortext team.
> I thought Arbortext looked a lot like structured Frame without the WYSIWYG
> view--so basically the structured tree view. One had to render the project
> to see a preview. If there was an error, one had to go back to the tree view
> to fix the error, and then re-render the project to double-check the
> preview. A lot of back and forth.
> Also, the output modules, such as PDF, were extra from the software cost.
> Everything was a la cart and the cost was expensive compared to Frame. 
> I was told the support would so-so. I also heard that the sales team was the
> best thing about the company.)
> Again, please keep in mind my disclaimers in the first paragraph.
> David Creamer
> IDEAS Training
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 00:33:56 +0000
> From: "ROSS, Chris" <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [Framers] Arbortext v Frame
> My company is thinking of changing from Framemaker to Arbortext. I have been
> asked to attend a meeting, consisting mainly of managers and accountants, to
> represent the Tech writing population.
> I have never used Arbortext before and am finding it very difficult to
> download a trial version to make any viable comparison. I would appreciate
> any input from other writers who have used Arbortext.
> Currently:
> *        We use Frame for all our technical documentation and deliver
> usually as PDF.
> *        Use structured Framemaker 17.
> *        Have EDDs and templates for each customer which can be modified if
> required.
> *        Use defence standards.
> *        We use Sharepoint for our configuration management but have to
> either Zip the frame files or PDF them to put them in Sharepoint.
> *        All graphics are referenced and are in JPEG, TIFF, WMF or PNG.
> *        Conditional text is often used.
> The main questions I have are:
> *        Is Arbortex easy to use and intuitive?
> *        Can Frame documents be imported into Arbortex easily and work?
> *        How easy is it to create templates/EDDs (equivalent) in Arbortext
> and modify them?
> *        Can conditional text (or equivalent) be used in Arbortex?
> *        Can JPEGs, TIFFs etc. be imported into Arbortex?
> *        Are Arbortex and Sharepoint compatible?
> *        Anything that Frame can do that Arbortex wont?
> I am very happy using Frame and would like any valid reason for not changing
> over.
> Thank you.
> Chris Ross
> Senior Technical Writer
> Sustainment and Engineering Solutions
> BAE Systems Australia
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