This worked last week and does not work now....

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well and safe,

I hit a problem.

I had a MiniToc that provided hyperlinks at the beginning of each main
topic in the help file.

It was fine for the past year, and then something stopped working.  Nothing
was updated or changed in my system as far as I know.

But suddenly, the MiniToc from the Frame doc does not appear in the HTML5
help file.

It does have a help condition. In the Frame file when I apply the condition
it appears, but it does not appear in the Help file that I create.  I
cannot find anywhere a definition that says the MiniToc should not appear
in the resulting Help file.

This all worked very well for the last year, but suddenly does not work
well today and I cannot work out what could have changed.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do?  Or how to solve this?

Thanks very much

Caroline Tabach
Technical/Marcom Writer

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