Product: Application Framework
          Type: changed
         Title: form controls (some of them) use the same text rendering as the 
containing document
     Posted by:
      Affected: -
         TaskId: i105717
Effective from: CWS dba33a
    CWS status: ready for QA

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With the integration of CWS controltextrendering, the way how controls
render their text has changed. Well, this applies to some controls, in
some documents, at least.

In general, the OOo applications format their text on the screen using
a so-called reference device, which might either be the printer
selected for the document, or a virtual device (which one is
controlled by a per-document option).

Form controls previously never participated in this game, they always
formatted their text according to the screen they were displayed on.
As a consequence, form controls which were embedded in the text flow
of the containing document broke the document layout when viewed on
different devices (print preview, printer, PDF export), or even only
when viewed in different zoom levels on the screen.

Now, non-input form controls (radio buttons, fixed texts, check boxes,
group boxes, command buttons) use the document's reference device for
rendering their own text, thus providing a better integration into the
surrounding document text.

This behavior can be enabled on a per-application level, more precise,
on a per-module level. There's no UI for changing the behavior.
Instead, the existing configuration structure below the
/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Forms/ControlLayout has been extended,
so that now for instance the node
controls whether the reference device text rendering for controls is
enabled in spreadsheet documents.

By default, the usage of the document's reference device is enabled
for text documents, drawings, and presentations, and disabled for all
other document types (spreadsheets, database forms, database reports).

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