
Thanks for the great review. I would like to make a couple points
about stuff where I'm directly/indirectly involved.

For PLIP 106, the 'RootNavigation' thing is for making it easy to root
the navigation items to a different place than the 'Plone Site' by
setting a marker interface. It needs tests, I should be able to
provide those on time. The rest of the stuff is in good shape. I think
it makes sense to use the Physical variant of the breadcrumbs code.

PLIP 112 is somewhat related to Marshall, because Kapil has been
developing the 'pluggable xmlns stuff' as a branch of
Marshall. However, Marshall is also a important part of fixing the
problems with WebDAV in Plone in my opinion. I've chatted with Kapil
and he has agreed to split the xml marshaller stuff out of the
Marshall product.

The idea is that instead of hardcoding to a single marshaller on all
AT schemas, we would have a default marshaller, and some policy to
delegating to different marshallers depending on the incoming content
type, etc. It is lacking a simplified predicate that matches on the
incoming request content-type + portal_type and a Plone UI. In a
perfect world, I would be able to land this in time for Plone 2.1.2 to
fix the last 3 issues related to WebDAV, but I would be happy enough
to land it into 2.5.

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems, LLC.
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