On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 00:53:05 -0700, Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In general I'm not quite convinced by comparing Debian to Plone, for
several reasons:

<snip />

All good reasons, and I agree. If Thierry is frustrated because he can't find out who to contact about a bug in Plone component XYZ, that's a different problem, and one that we can fix. Having a policy of an owner for each component (listed in the egg info) sounds good to me. Then we can transfer that as we see fit. (Hanno is doing way too much of the boring release work at the moment, for instance)

I think Debian is a very different model than Plone, and not something we'd do well to mimic (although it works for them, at least to some extent — but I believe Ubuntu has shown how much faster you can move when the leadership structure is clearer).

I'm not convinced that we have the problems that Thierry sees. I do see
that we have an increasing complexity and inter-dependencies between
components which will require some changes to the release process for
Plone 3.5 and later.

Indeed. I also think eggs will go a long way in handling dependencies in a saner way from the end-user side.

I also do not believe in electing leaders. Democracy works reasonably in
politics, but when you are trying to manage a product and its roadmap
you need people with a certain set of skills and experience, not people
who are popular or happen to have better social skills. Personally I
think our current system based on PLIPs and a framework team to review
them works very well.


Alexander Limi · http://limi.net

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