Andreas Zeidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> all the plips had to be submitted through the framework list, so it  
> shouldn't be too hard to go through and double check / update the  
> list.  it's tedious, i know, but someone's got to do it.  i'd do it  
> again, but won't have time until tomorrow, which is pretty late in the  
> process.  so can you guys coordinate who's gonna be the one?

A couple notes (not a comprehensive report) - I submitted #218 for Plone 3.1 but
it's not listed on the 3.1 release page, nor does it have any votes on it yet!
#219 is listed there but has no votes, and I think that #221 is for Plone 3.1
but is also unlisted on the release page and has only one vote.


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