Steve McMahon wrote:
It looks to me like we're getting a pretty good list of nominations.

Shall we close nominations in a week? I can send deadline
announcements to the lists and news.

+1 from me too.

If I remember correctly from the discussion at the Plone conference, then the next step is to have an off-list discussion in trying to choose the right team. The current team then makes a recommendation to the Plone Foundation Board, who can accept or reject the team.

Having an off-list discussion is possibly a bit controversial, but I think it's important that we're able to discuss the team structure in a frank manner, without having to worry about upsetting the feelings of those who end up not being recommended. To my mind, the focus should be on selecting a team that will work well together and cover multiple angles in the reviews, not necessarily on individual merit alone.

I'm not sure who we said was meant to be part of that discussion. I'd certainly like to be, even though I'm not on the current team. I think it does make sense to include at least the members of past framework teams (which would include me) and release managers, who will have first hand experience.

This does of course raise one question: What do we do about members of the current team that have nominated themselves for the next one? My preference would be to exclude them from the discussion too, again to facilitate and open and frank discussion.

What do others think?


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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