On May 5, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:


To summarize the feedback from the European time zone, I think that the
proposal in general meets the favor of everyone.

The controversial issue is the exact version number to use for the
release. There seems to be broad support for freeing the current Plone
trunk from a version designator and release a 4.0 release with the
envisioned scope of this proposal instead.

If I do not get a strong signal or message otherwise, consider this
proposal changed in this regard.


I'm glad I've not been the point of contention on this issue. ;) It's an honor to be... I guess at this point it's "nominated".

A quick survey of our integrators on campus shows an agreement with the current state of this discussion: 1) Everyone is for a near-future release of the less risky work being done in trunk 2) Calling it 3.5 breaks the dot release contract. Go with "Plone 4" instead.


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