Framework Team,

Friendly cajoling has not produced results, so the time has come for some public shaming. Your initial 2 week PLIP implementation review period came and went. We added another week. With 24 hours left on that new deadline, we're not much closer to being finished.

Shame. Shaaaame.

We'd agreed that each of you would review a minimum of 6 PLIPs. Here's the breakdown of what you've done so far vs what you signed up for:
David Glick             5 of 7
Calvin HP               0 of 6
Alec Mitchell           5 of 6
Ross Patterson  0 of 8
Raphael Ritz            0 of 0
Erik Rose               3 of 7
Laurence Rowe   1 of 2
Matthew Wilkes  0 of 6

In total: 14 of 42. Ugh. Half of the team hasn't completed even one review, which tells me that providing more time won't be at all productive.

In order to have any sort of discussion, we're going to need at least one full review per submitted PLIP. To this end, I'm assigning you each 1-2 PLIPs to cover so that we can move on and stop delaying Plone 4. I've tried to account for relative complexity of each PLIP, the number you've completed so far, and the number I think you can realistically complete before tomorrow's FWT meeting (I'm leaving out Raphael because I haven't heard a peep from him in 6 weeks).

9214    Support logins using e-mail address instead of user id          Erik 
9249    Add TinyMCE as the default visual editor                                
        David Glick     
9263    GenericSetup syntax for importing Sharing page roles            Calvin 
9283    A more lightweight backend for collections                              
        Alec Mitchell
9288    Improved commenting infrastructure                                      
        Laurence Rowe   
9305    Use real names instead of usernames                                     
        Ross Patteson
9309 Better search for East Asian (multi-byte) languages. Matthew Wilkes 9310 User registration process more flexible Ross Patterson 9311 Clean up of user related actions UI Matthew Wilkes 9321 Reimplement the search form with an eye on usability Erik Rose
9330    Add ability to choose role when adding new site members Eric Steele
9352 Search results improvements Calvin HP

In conclusion: Shaaaaame.


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