#9249: Add TinyMCE as the default visual editor
 Reporter:  limi                  |        Owner:  robgietema
     Type:  PLIP                  |       Status:  assigned  
 Priority:  minor                 |    Milestone:  4.0       
Component:  Visual Editor (Kupu)  |   Resolution:            
 Keywords:                        |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 In OmniWeb 5.10.1, Safari 4.0.3, and Firefox 3.5.3, once I add any
 Discreet text, all the text I add afterward also ends up discreet, even if
 I switch to a different style or select `(remove style)`. The only way out
 is editing the raw HTML. This makes it a step backward from Kupu, from a
 user's point of view, imo. Once we fix this (and I suspect it's a bug in
 our use of it, as I wasn't  able to reproduce it an TinyMCE's demo site),
 I'll happily change my vote to +1.

  1. Edit the front page, and clear out the rich text field.
  1. Type "hello" on line 1.
  1. Assign the Discreet style to it.
  1. Press Return, and type "heading" on line 2.
  1. Select `Heading` from the `Style` menu. The Discreet style doesn't go
 away, but it should. No matter how you thrash about with `(remove style)`
 and such, you can't get rid of the `discreet` class on the heading without
 editing the raw HTML.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9249#comment:33>
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