On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:37 AM, Eric Steele <ems...@psu.edu> wrote:
> I'm finding that I'm consistently wrong about how I think whole Plone thing 
> works. Every assumption I had coming into this job has been met with some 
> sort of "No, we have a process. It's just not documented". Let's fix that.

Yeah! The process has changed over time and has been "documented" as
part of mailing list discussion, IRC meetings and real life meetings,
like the Strategic Planning Summit or the framework team meeting at
the Plone conference in Washington D.C.

The only two websites I can find that have any information are:


Both of which contain some valuable and some outdated information. The
information should probably be linked from:


> I'm looking for some help in actually writing down the process of how a major 
> release of Plone comes together. Rough list of necessary parts would be:
>  * Choosing a FWT
>  * Choosing a release manager
>  * The role of the FWT
>  * The role of the Release Manager
>  * PLIP review process
>        * By what standards is a PLIP judged?
>        * By what standards is a PLIP implementation judged?
>  * Creating the release
> Suggestions for missing sections? Anyone willing to help me write this?

I can help. There's a good deal of our processes that "emerge
naturally" or that are driven by "interested and influential"
community members, like for example the whole general major roadmap

But it'll probably help to make it clear where mysterious things
happen and where we have formalized processes that are actually


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