On 2011-2-25 21:02, Elizabeth Leddy wrote:
    I cannot remember any Plone releases that only took 6 months - even
    when we tried hard. I'd usually expect a 50% overrun from any stated
    timeline, so while aiming for 6 months we can manage to do a release
    after 9 months. We'd have to aim for a 3-4 months cycle to actually be
    able to do two releases in a year.

Excellent points.

About how long would you say it takes to flush out the alphas and betas?
It would be great to say "6 month cycle, feature freeze 4 months in" or
something specific like that.

Realistically you can spend forever doing alphas and betas, since no matter what you say people never seem to start doing real testing until you declare something release critical or make a real release. It's almost tempting to just skip doing betas and go straight to release candidate when all PLIPs have been merged. 2 months for beta/release candidate state should suffice.


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