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*This Week [April 22 - 30, 2023] in Avant Garde Cinema*

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**** Enter upcoming calls for entry here
*sorted by submission deadline*
Ongoing Films for Ukrainian Border Crossings
(No Dialogue + PG)
04.27.2023 Reeling The Chicago LGBTQ+ International Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
04.28.2023 Live Soundtrack
(Late Birds)
04.30.2023 Antimatter [media art]
(Early Deadline)
04.30.2023 ANALOGICA
(Regular Deadline)
04.30.2023 Laterale Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
04.30.2023 Braziers International Film Festival
(Late Deadline)
04.30.2023 Mimesis Documentary Festival
(Late Deadline)
04.30.2023 Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival
(films completed in 2023)
05.03.2023 Locarno Film Festival
(Late Deadline)
05.07.2023 Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival
(6th Deadline)
05.12.2023 Buffalo Int’l Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
05.12.2023 New Orleans Film Festival
(Late Deadline)
05.19.2023 Edinburgh Short Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
05.31.2023 Interbay Cinema Society Lightpress Grants
05.31.2023 25FPS Festival
06.01.2023 Engauge Experimental Film Festival
06.15.2023 Revolutions Per Minute Festival
(Extended Deadline)
06.30.2023 ULTRAcinema
(Regular Deadline)
07.10.2023 Affective Intermediality International Conference

**** Enter your event announcements here
*complicated sorting but a true attempt, enjoy!*

This week's programs (summary):

   - Refresh
   2022 - Spring 2023, Denver, CO]
   - Natural Magic: Experiments In Photography
   17-June 4, Oxford, UK]
   - New Films On Re:Voir Online
   15-22, online]
   - Flamingo Film Festival X (2023)
   22, Ft. Lauderdale, FL]
   - War Refugees
   22, San Francisco, CA]
   - Disrupted By The Hand: Nazli Dinçel Program 1 & 2
   22, New York, NY]
   - Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One
   22 & 28, New York, NY]
   - Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2½
   22, New York, NY]
   - The Margins of Dream Language: Contemp Korean Female Experimental
   23, LA, CA]
   - Prism: Experimental Films
   25-May 1, Busan, South Korea]
   - Purple Riot: In Dialogue With Filmmaker Kelly Gallagher
   27, Rochester, NY]
   - Bad Puppets
   29, San Francisco, CA]
   - Snow In Springtime: A Michael Snow Tribute In Three Films, Including
   30, LA, CA]
   - The Long Conversation
   [ongoing, online]
   - 6x6 Project: Artists' Moving Image Works


*March 2022 - Spring 2023*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
open during Museum hours,
The Summit Stage and Expedition Health, Denver Museum of Nature & Science,
2001 Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO
This art-science collaboration looks at the microscopic ways cyanobacteria
move, on an individual level and in colonies. If we study these organisms
and their varied forms, we might discover ways to improve our future.

On display at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science in the Summit Stage and
Expedition Health, March 2022 - Fall 2022

The cells in your body take in oxygen and sweep out waste products like
carbon dioxide (CO2). Microscopic cyanobacteria use photosynthesis to work
in reverse, breathing in CO2 and pumping out oxygen.

Three billion years ago, cyanobacteria created Earth’s oxygenfilled
atmosphere, supporting the evolution of creatures like us. Today, they
provide one-quarter of the planet’s oxygen, and cyanobacteria like
spirulina provide us with food.

Researchers believe that cyanobacteria —which need only sunlight, CO2, and
water to thrive— could offer solutions to our changing climate. They might
help reduce CO2 on a grand scale, contribute to biofuel production, and
support long-term space travel. This diverse group of organisms offers a
symbolic warning as well: when colonies of cyanobacteria become too dense
or stressed, they can run out of nutrients or be destroyed by their own air

Made with the collaborative efforts of filmmaker Erin Espelie and the
Jeffrey Cameron Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder, which
created a customized microscope system specifically tailored for long-term
growth and quantitative imaging of cyanobacterial cells; with special
thanks to microbiologist and cinematographer Evan Johnson and artists Nima
Bahrehmand, Travis Austin, Will Alstetter, as well as NEST Studio for the


*March 17 - June 4*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Bodleian Library
Mo - Sa 10am-5pm, Su 11am-4pm GMT,
Transept, Weston Library, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Broad St,
Oxford, UK
*Natural Magic: Experiments in Photography*
Photography was invented by a network of chemical experimenters. Little by
little, they discovered the photosensitive properties of precious metals
and learned to capture images from life on a chemical emulsion of silver
nitrate, or iron, or gold, or ground up vegetables. Today’s digital
photography feels a long way from the experiments of the nineteenth
century, but an intrepid society of alchemists is reviving the processes of
the past and creating new approaches to darkroom photography.

*Natural Magic* features work by Megan Ringrose, Nettie Edwards, Karel
Doing, Andrés Pardo, and Garry Fabian Miller – artists who have spent a
lifetime exploring the chemical potentials of photography.


*April 15 - 22*
Venue type: *Virtual, online event*
12pm, Event URL:
Every week we add four new films to the Re:Voir Online streaming platform.

* New films this week:
- Vivian Ostrovsky: *Wherever Was Never There* (2009, 6 mins.)
- Peter Rose: *Omen* (2001, 10.5 mins.)
- Peter Rose: *Babel* (1987, 17 mins.)
- Peter Rose: *Spirit Matters* (1984, 6 mins)

* The ReVoir Online app is free to download and free for the first 30 days,
free to watch clips and trailers. Subscription 8€/month to watch all films.
Currently over 500 films available.

*SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023*

Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Flamingo Film Festival
10 AM (ET),
Florida Atlantic University, 111 East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL
*Flamingo Film Festival X (2023)*
The Flamingo Film Festival is dedicated to exhibiting international short
films produced by student filmmakers. For the past nine installments, this
event, held in sunny South Florida, has honored outstanding dramatic,
documentary, experimental, music video, and animated projects created by
students while enrolled in a college, university, or other post-secondary
institution. It's the goal of the festival to encourage student creativity
and recognize achievements in film and video. This year’s in-person event
is scheduled to start at 10 AM (ET), Saturday, April 22, 2023, at FAU's
MetroLab in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Parking is available around the
campus. The event is FREE to attend and open to the public.


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Other Cinema
8pm PT,
ATA Gallery, 992 Valencia (@ 21st), San Francisco, CA
A book release evening that focuses on the victims of war and those who
struggle to provide humanitarian care. Dana Sachs is an old neighbor of
ours, who has published some half-dozen books, and we are honored that we
can launch this brand new one with her in person! Her brief reading/Q&A is
followed by Elabdi/Graversen's *Ghosts of Moria*, a finely made doc on a
burnt down Syrian refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. Though the
hour-plus anchor of the show is the Bay Area debut of Bianca Stigter's *Three
Minutes*, an utterly astonishing filmic achievement---almost a
materialistic approach to the medium that stretches out the duration of a
single 100' roll of 16mm to a wide and deep history, tracing back very many
individual human stories. A whole world is revealed through interviews,
narration, music, and jaw-dropping post-production---an entire milieu that
was surely no more within a year of the 1938 filming. Steve
McQueen and Helena Bonham Carter were among the principals who oversaw the
“deconstruction” of this home movie, shot by a Polish-American tourist
visiting relatives in East Europe, just before hostilities broke out. Some
3000 of the town's inhabitants were Jewish, and only six survived the War.
$8-100, benefiting Dana's *Humanity Now*.


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Anthology Film Archives
see below,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
--- Program 1 - 3:45pm ET ---
“Disrupted by the Hand: Program 1” is a deep dive into the hypnotic filmic
disruptions of Nazlı Dinçel. *BETWEEN RELATING AND USE* uses laser-engraved
on-screen text to question the internal ethnographic desire to look inward,
while *THE SHAPE OF SURFACE* disembodies limbs amid the historic ruins of
Aphrodite’s city. What is revealed and not revealed are probed via intimacy
and patriarchy (*HER SILENT SEAMING*) and equally exposed in
ON HOW TO MAKE A FILM* is exactly what you think it is, plus farming.

The second program of Dinçel’s work weaves together their three *SOLITARY
ACTS* (which each explore the masturbatory impulse and the relationship of
genital to hand), with *HANDS:OXES*, a gestural, textural embrace of song
and skin, and *LEAFLESS*, a treatise on body and landscape and the
landscape of a body. Concluding the program, *INABILITY* demonstrates that
bodies, like materials, will inevitably fail us.

Following both programs, Nazlı Dinçel will be joined in conversation by
curator Angelo Madsen Minax!

*BETWEEN RELATING AND USE* 2018, 9 min, 16mm
*SHAPE OF SURFACE* 2017, 9 min, 16mm
*HER SILENT SEAMING* 2014, 11 min, 16mm
*UNTITLED* 2016, 12 min, digital
Total running time: ca. 60 min (plus Q&A).

--- Program 2 - 6:30pm ET ---
*SOLITARY ACTS 4* 2015, 8 min, 16mm
*HANDS:OXES* 2017, 1 min, 16mm
*SOLITARY ACTS 5* 2015, 6 min, 16mm
*LEAFLESS* 2011, 8 min, 16mm
*SOLITARY ACTS 6* 2015, 11 min,16mm
*INABILITY* 2016, 4 min, 16mm, silent
Total running time: ca. 45 min (plus Q&A).


*April 22 & 28*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Anthology Film Archives
April 22 @ 7pm ET, April 28 @ 9:15pm
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
by William Greaves, 1968, 75 min, 35mm

In his one-of-a-kind fiction/documentary hybrid, the pioneering William
Greaves presides over a beleaguered film crew in New York’s Central Park,
leaving them to try to figure out what kind of movie they’re making. A
couple enacts a breakup scenario over and over, a documentary crew films a
crew filming the crew, locals wander casually into the frame: the project
defies easy description. Yet this wildly innovative sixties counterculture
landmark remains one of the most tightly focused and insightful movies ever
made about making movies.


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Anthology Film Archives
9pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
by William Greaves, 2005, 99 min, digital

The “sequel” to *SYMBIOPSYCHOTAXIPLASM* sees *TAKE ONE* actors Audrey
Henningham and Shannon Baker reunited in a more personal, metatheatrical
exploration of the effects of the passage of time on technology, the
artistic process, and relationships – real and fabricated.

*SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023*

Venue type: *Live, physical event*
1pm PT,
2220 W. Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90057
*The Margins of Dream Language: Contemporary Korean Female Experimental
When image and language are paired together, written and spoken words can
reposition the image’s hierarchical role and create an opportunity for a
new point of view. In this program, Korean female filmmakers use text
itself as a material—either directly burned into the film or inserted as
voice over—to push cinema towards a radical location or realm, engaging
with an expansive legacy of colonial power dynamics. With the understanding
that translated language with subtitles always creates a gap, this series
welcomes and engages with it as an act of defiance, insisting on opacity
and being unexplainable.

The selected films are in subtle unity as they repurpose the dominant
language and reclaim it to propel the discourse on diasporic identity. Yet
each filmmaker also asks audiences to recognize her unique directionality
and experiences consciously. These films have either directly or loosely
emerged from themes of Korean female identity, but they also propose
divergent responses to militarism, homogeneity, patriarchy, immigration
issues, etc. Eventually, they invite audiences to build bridges between
poetic dream, politics, and the decolonial gaze.

This screening, curated by Seokyoung Yang, includes works by Eugene Mayu
Kim, Heehyun Choi, Woojin Kim, Onyou Oh, and Boyoon Choi, an essay by Jae
Min Lee. It will be followed by a conversation between curator Seokyoung
Yang and writer Jae Min Lee.

*Rei, Daddy, Liberty* By Eugene Mayu Kim, 2021, HD, 15 min.
*This Isn’t What It Appears* By Heehyun Choi, 2022, Super 8 to HD, 19 min.
*Korean Dictation Test You Will Have to Answer Questions You Hear *By
Woojin Kim, 2019, Single Channel Video, 7 min.
*Whispers in the Water* By Onyou Oh, 2020, 16mm to digital, 9 min.
*How to Be an Expressive Artist* By Boyoon Choi, 2021, HD, 26 min.

*TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2023*

*April 25 - May 1*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Busan International Short Film Festival
seven days of screenings, Busan Cinema Center, Busan, South Korea
*Prism: experimental films*

Prism 1:
*The End* by Christopher Maclaine, 1953
*(nostalgia)* by Hollis Frampton, 1971

Prism 2:
*Field* by Arc, 2023
*Vestibule (in three episodes)* by Ken Kobland, 1978
*Running Shadow* by Robert Fulton, 1972
*Infinite Column* by Arc, 2023

Live performances on dual 16mm projectors by Tooth.

*FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2023*

Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Visual Studies Workshop
7pm ET,
Visual Studies Workshop, 31 Prince Street, Rochester, NY
*Purple Riot: In Dialogue with Filmmaker Kelly Gallagher*
Experimental filmmaker and animator Kelly Gallagher will present a program
of her own films along with excerpts from the VSW early video collection
that embody themes of solidarity, family, activism and love.

*SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2023*

Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Other Cinema
8pm PT,
ATA Gallery, 992 Valencia (@ 21st), San Francisco, CA
This first of two Puppet Shows—this one foregrounding the Scary—sees the SF
premiere of Abigail Child's *Origin of the Species*, her masterful
hour-plus exploration of both new tech/engineering developments and of
radically new understandings of the relations
between humans and machines...that are apparently our equals, and soon to
be our superiors. Abby's cinematic genius is realized in exquisite doc
coverage—especially of the new Japanese initiatives. Opening the evening is
a much-needed push-back from OC ally Mike Kavanagh, *A Short History of
Robots and AI in Cinema*, that presses the case for regulatory action to
keep the genie back in the bottle. This 40-minute chronology includes
scores of riveting clips, from *Metropolis* to* Colossus: The Forbin
Project*, and beyond, teasing out the critical distinctions between
“generative” and “sentient”. Enhancing the two anchors are Keith
Sanborn on Jeremy Bentham, Peter Freund on HAL 9000, Mark Shephard's *Sentient
City*, and David Cox' “real-world” noggin'-choppin' heli-drone!

*SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023*

Venue type: *Live, physical event*
Los Angeles Filmforum
7:30 PM PST,
2220 beverly blvd, Los Angeles, CA
*Snow in Springtime: A Michael Snow Tribute in three films, including
Presented by Los Angeles Filmforum and Mezzanine

When Michael Snow passed away on January 5 at the age of 94, the world lost
a tremendous artist, who worked with rigor and humor in film, music,
photography, sculpture, and more.

His classic film *Wavelength* hasn’t played in Los Angeles for several
years, so we are bringing it with two other short films, *Standard Time *(1967)
and *See You Later *(1990) all screening on 16mm.

An accomplished cross-disciplinary artist even before he came to cinema,
Michael Snow was perhaps best known for his highly influential avant-garde
films, which remain as brazenly conceptual as they are perceptual. After
moving to New York City with his wife Joyce Wieland in the 1960s, the two
were exposed to the burgeoning New American Cinema movement, where Snow
became part of an emerging tradition of medium-specific and highly
formalist approach to avant-garde cinema—often described as
“structuralism”—and made a series of groundbreaking films that are still
among the most widely discussed and debated in the American avant-garde.
The act of watching Snow’s work is perhaps best described by P. Adams
Sitney, who calls it the “discovery of a simple situation permeated by a
rich field of philosophical implications, which duration elaborates." Yet
Snow’s work also contains “a persistent undercurrent of humour that can
range from dryly witty to pure slapstick (Chris Kennedy)."

"Mr. Snow was a prolific and playful artist, as well as a polymath of
extraordinary versatility. “I am not a professional,” he declared in a
statement written for a group show catalog in 1967. “My paintings are done
by a filmmaker, sculpture by a musician, films by a painter, music by a
filmmaker, paintings by a sculptor, sculpture by a filmmaker, films by a
musician, music by a sculptor.” And, he added, “Sometimes they all work
together.” -- J. Hoberman, New York Times, 2023-01-06

16mm prints courtesy of Canyon Cinema. Special thanks to Chloe Reyes and
Seth Mitter (Canyon Cinema). Masks are still required at Filmforum shows -
N95 or KN95.


Venue type: *Virtual, online event*
Riverwest Radio
streaming 24/7
THE LONG CONVERSATION with Xav Leplae and Stephanie Barber is on indefinite
hold. But... all episodes from the last year and a half are streaming!!!


Venue type: *Virtual, online event*
6x6 Project
streaming 24/7
*Artists' Moving Image Works*
6x6 project is an online artists' community that serves as a platform for
disseminating artists' moving image works, and to create
an ever-growing network among peers.

There are now more than four hundred artists’ film and moving image works
available to view on the website.


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Enter your event announcements by going to the Flicker Weekly Listing Form

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Frameworks, just hit Subscribe

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