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*This Week [February 24 - March 3, 2024] in Avant Garde Cinema*

To receive the weekly listing directly via email rather than through
Frameworks, just hit Subscribe

**** Enter upcoming calls for entry here
*sorted by submission deadline*
02.25.2024 VIDEOEX Experimental Film & Video Festival
02.29.2024 Laterale Film Festival
(Fifth Deadline)
02.29.2024 Crossroads Film Festival
(Late Deadline)
02.29.2024 I-Park Artist-in-Residence Program
03.01.2024 Festival de Cannes
03.01.2024 Analogica
(Regular Deadline)
03.01.2024 Crescent City Film Festival
(Extended Deadline)
03.01.2024 Chicago Underground Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
03.03.2024 Film Farm
03.10.2024 Mimesis Doc Fest
(Regular Deadline)
03.15.2024 RPM Fest - Revolutions Per Minute Festival
(Late Deadline)
03.15.2024 Found Footage Magazine
03.25.2024 Oak Cliff Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
03.30.2024 Braziers International Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
03.30.2024 Cauldron International Film and Video Festival
(Late Deadline)
03.31.2024 Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul (EXiS)
04.01.2024 The Franklin Furnace FUND for Performance Art
04.05.2024 VSW Project Space Residency
04.18.2024 Locarno Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
05.17.2024 Edinburgh Short Film Festival
(Regular Deadline)
05.31.2024 San Diego Underground Film Festival
(Early Deadline)
06.01.2024 Engauge Experimental Film Festival

**** Enter your event announcements here
*complicated sorting but a true attempt, enjoy!*

This week's programs (summary):

   - Mono No Aware In Residency @ Whammy!
   [February 23 - March 3, Los Angeles, CA]
   - EC: Jerome Hill
   [February 24, New York, NY]
   - Figures Minus Facts: The Films of Mary Helena Clark
   [February 24-25, New York, NY]
   - EC: Hugo / Jacobs / Levitt / Maas
   [February 25, New York, NY]
   - EC: Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son
   [February 28, New York, NY]
   - Wilmington 10—U.S.A. 10,000
   [February 29, Berkeley, CA]
   - New Films By Nathaniel Dorsky
   29, San Francisco, CA]
   - EC: Jennings / Kirsanoff
   [February 29, New York, NY]
   - EC: Lawrence Jordan
   [February 29, New York, NY]
   - Ken Jacobs – From Orchard Street To The Museum of Modern Art
   [March 1-3, New York, NY]
   - Strange Archives
   [March 1, Boone, NC]
   - Light Matter Film Festival Traveling Program
   [March 1, Santa Fe, NM]
   - 48
   [March 2, Berkeley, CA]
   - Gravitational Lensing - Prequel Screening & Fundraiser
   [March 3, Oakland, CA]
   - The Long Conversation
   [ongoing, online]
   - 6x6 Project: Artists' Moving Image Works

*STARTING BEFORE FEBRUARY 24, 2024* *February 23 - March 3*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
times vary, see below,
Whammy! 2514 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA (Entrance in rear off Rampart!)
This is a collaboration between Mono No Aware and Whammy! and T.A.P.E. and
the 818 Darkroom.

*FRI * February 23rd  *Presentation on MONO NO AWARE & Screening program
7 PM Meet & Greet, 8 PM : Conversation with Founder / Director of MONO
Steve Cossman and 16mm projections of commissioned works.

*SAT * SUN * February 24-25th * Two-Day intensive Intro to 16MM color
filmmaking on Bolex Camera
12 - 6 PM An introduction to the Bolex Camera and a traditional Film to
Film workflow ending with a projectable color print & scan!

*SAT * February 24th*  Projection Basics for 16MM Tabletop models
7 - 10 PM Learn to set up, load, operate and maintain an EIKI tabletop
projector for standard and expanded cinema projections.

*SUN * February 25th*  Macro Cinematography on 16MM film
7 - 10 PM Learn to calculate proper exposure compensation and to measure
focal distances in order to film in extreme close-up on film!

*MON * February 26th*  Motion Picture Film as Still Film for Photography
7 - 10 PM Learn how to spool down motion picture film short ends and
identify film stock properties, then upcycle them into still film canisters!

*TUES * February 27th*  Color Photograms on 16mm color print stock
7 - 10 PM Learn to paint with light on motion picture film, develop the
film by hand and project. Includes 100 of 16mm film to take home!

*WED * February 28th*  Test It Yourself ! T.I.Y. Super 8mm camera workshop
and hand processing B&W film
7 - 10 PM - Bring a new or used camera to test. We'll cover all functions
of the camera, how to clean and fix minor issues, then film a test roll,
develop & project!

*THURS * February 29th*  Desktop Cinema : Print digital images directly
onto 16MM film from your home printer
7 - 10 PM - Download, learn and use software that allows for multiple
techniques printing large image patterns and videos directly onto film.

*FRI * March 1st*  BYOB/W - Non-toxic developing workshop & Community mixer
7 - 10 PM - Learn to mix a non-toxic developer using beer and coffee then
develop ANY format still or moving image black and white film !

*SAT * March 2nd*  The complete 16MM film to film workflow for B/W film;
titles, camera, developing, contact printing & projection
11 AM - 8 PM - This is a one day intensive designed to carefully illustrate
how one can create, duplicate, archive and exhibit on 16mm film at home.

*SUN * March 3rd*  Moving Image Phytograms on 16MM film
11 AM - 3 PM - Forage for plant life then learn the technique of rendering
detailed chemical traces of plants directly on photographic emulsion.

7 PM Screening Premiere of ALL the films made through the residency this
week. Bring friends and family out to celebrate these new 16mm films.

*SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
5pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
These 35mm prints are the result of a preservation project undertaken by
the Museum of Modern Art.

*DEATH IN THE FORENOON* (1934/66, 2 min, 35mm)
*CANARIES* (1969, 4 min, 35mm)
*FILM PORTRAIT* (1971, 81 min, 35mm)

“*FILM PORTRAIT* is an autobiography in the sense that it deals explicitly
with Jerome’s most personal life’s relationship to film. It draws on film
clips taken in his childhood and his whole childhood involvement in art and
life. It comes closest to any kind of filmic answer to Proust. […] *FILM
PORTRAIT* is, I believe, the only direct autobiography we have in film.
There is Jonas Mekas’s *WALDEN*, which is diary but not autobiography in a
strict sense. We have Cocteau’s *BLOOD OF A POET*, *ORPHEUS*, and *TESTAMENT
OF ORPHEUS*. One could say that this last is autobiographical, but it is
also allusive and poetic; whereas Jerome’s *FILM PORTRAIT* is a very
straight attempt to present autobiography on film. Of course, subsequently,
James Broughton’s *TESTAMENT* and my own *SINCERITY & DUPLICITY* series of
autobiographical films were very much inspired by Jerome’s *FILM PORTRAIT* as
well as by Jonas’s *WALDEN*. […] Jerome Hill’s films are great because they
are poised on wit and achieve a balance – a gentle, intentional,
particularly American balance.” –Stan Brakhage, FILM AT WIT’S END

Total running time: ca. 90 min


*February 24 - 25*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
7:30pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
In conjunction with her upcoming exhibition at Bridget Donahue Gallery, we
host filmmaker Mary Helena Clark for two programs, one featuring a
selection of her 16mm and digital works, and the other – selected by Clark
– pairing three of her films with thematically related works by Michael
Snow, Rosemarie Trockel, and Charlotte Prodger.

Clark’s films are constructed – sometimes from found materials, but mostly
from Clark’s own footage – in ways that privilege atmosphere, intuitive
connections, evocative collisions, or striking juxtapositions, rather than
conventional narrative or documentary logic. Though each film has its own
visual and aural texture and set of motifs, they are unmistakably the work
of a single – and singular – artist, in part because of their highly
refined sensitivity to the relationship between sound and image, and above
all because of their profoundly hypnotic quality.

In Clark’s body of work, “hypnotic” is more than a metaphorically
descriptive term. The effect is sometimes achieved indirectly (thanks to
the films’ carefully designed and precise soundtracks, or the meditative
rhythms of the editing and pacing) and sometimes more explicitly (as a
result of her play with direct address to the viewer, her straddling of the
line between representation and abstraction, or, in *AND THE SUN FLOWERS*,
by devoting the soundtrack to a guided-meditation tape). But one way or the
other, Clark’s films induce a response that is uncannily suggestive of
hypnosis, drawing the viewer into a paradoxical combination of a dreamlike
state and a hyper-sensitivity to sound and image. Under the spell she
casts, the world seems charged with mystery, replete with strange, hidden
signals or messages – whether embedded in wallpaper, in jet trails, in the
behavior of pedestrians, in the slow tilting of a horizon line. Her images
(and sounds) are pregnant with a meaning that remains just out of reach,
even as the films impart a conviction that, on a subconscious level, that
meaning has been made legible.

For more info about Clark’s exhibition at Bridget Donahue Gallery, which
will be on view from January 25-March 21, 2024, visit:

In March we’ll present screenings of *A COMMON SEQUENCE*, a new feature
film co-directed by Clark and Mike Gibisser. Stay tuned for more details.

--- MARY HELENA CLARK PGM 1 - February 24 at 7:30PM
*AND THE SUN FLOWERS* 2008, 5 min, digital
“Within this wallpaper: a floral forest of hidden depth and concealment,
the hues and fragrance of another era. Surface decoration holds permeable
planes, inner passages. There emerges a hypnotic empyrean flower, a solar
fossil, a speaking anemone, of paper, of human muscle, of unknown origin,
delivering an unreasonable message of rare tranquility.” –Mark McElhatten

*SOUND OVER WATER* 2009, 6 min, 16mm
“I wanted to shift the interpretation of a single image – a flock of birds
– through fluctuating abstraction. By re-photographing and hand processing
the images, the read changes. It’s ambiguously figurative – schools of
fish, crashing waves, light on water – and then ends with the series of
photographs acting as document, accentuating the gap between actual and
perceptual.” –Mary Helena Clark

*BY FOOT-CANDLE LIGHT* 2011, 9 min, digital
“In the dream we call cinema there is no either, no or. We move from cave
to forest to theater and back again, certain only that we are elsewhere, at
least until the reel runs out. Here is objective truth, or ‘hypnosis’ by
another name.” –Ben Russell

*THE PLANT* 2012, 8 min, 16mm-to-digital
A spy film, built on the bad geometry of point-of-view shots.

*ORPHEUS (OUTTAKES)* 2012, 6 min, 16mm
“Using footage from Cocteau’s *ORPHÉE*, Clark optically prints an
interstitial space where the ghosts of cinema lurk beyond and within the
frames.” –Andrea Picard

*THE DRAGON IS THE FRAME* 2014, 14 min, 16mm
An experimental detective film made in remembrance: keeping a diary,
footnotes of film history, and the puzzle of depression.

*FIGURE MINUS FACT* 2020, 13 min, digital
“Night, like mourning, remakes space through absence: forms at the
threshold of perception heighten sound and touch. When someone dies there
is a pull towards the concrete and tangible, but disbelief creates a world
of unreliable objects. *FIGURE MINUS FACT* draws and redraws coordinates
between spaces, senses, and objects, groping in the dark, desiring to see
something that’s not there. Spaces become evidentiary yet deceptive in a
subjectless portrait of loss.” –Mary Helena Clark

Total running time: ca. 65 min.

--- MARY HELENA CLARK PGM 2 - February 25 at 7:30PM
This program features works – both by Clark and by others – that relate to
ideas in Clark’s exhibition at Bridget Donahue Gallery.

Michael Snow *PUCCINI CONSERVATO* 2008, 10 min, digital
“Commissioned to honor Puccini’s 150th birthday, the lighthearted *PUCCINI
CONSERVATO* – which observes Snow’s stereo while a track from La Bohème
plays – takes a subtle, good-natured jab at recorded music. (When opera is
canned, where do you look?)” –Chris Kennedy

Mary Helena Clark *THE GLASS NOTE* 2018, 9 min, digital
A collage of sound, image, and text explore cinema’s inherent
ventriloquism. Across surface and form, the video reflects on voice,
embodiment, and fetish through the commingling of sound and image.

Rosemarie Trockel *EGG TRYING TO GET WARM* 1994, 4 min, video
“...features an egg spinning on a hot plate – Trockel’s sly commentary on
the sexist social assumptions implicit in the domestic setting.” –Diane

Mary Helena Clark *UNTITLED* 2024, 8 min, digital
This work-in-progress is premised as an examination of disgust.

Charlotte Prodger *PASSING AS A GREAT GREY OWL* 2017, 6 min, digital
Found footage of a female biologist mimicking the call of the male Great
Grey Owl is counterposed with video of the legs of women as they urinate in
various wildernesses. The collision of these activities in landscape points
towards an exuberant queer territoriality.

Mary Helena Clark *EXHIBITION* 2022, 19 min, digital
The film moves through gallery rooms and archives, compounding multiple
biographies into a single imaginary subject. A woman marries the Berlin
Wall, stabs a Velásquez painting as an act of protest and longing, declares
herself a doorknob, and plumbs the erotics of the Klein bottle. Using
citation, appropriation, and museological forms of display, the film is a
meditation on the assertion and refusal of subjecthood.

Total running time: ca. 60 min

*SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
5:30pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY

Ian Hugo *BELLS OF ATLANTIS* (1952, 10 min, 16mm. Preserved by the Library
of Congress through the Avant-Garde Masters program funded by The Film
Foundation and administered by the National Film Preservation Foundation.)
A film poem, based on Anaïs Nin’s *HOUSE OF INCEST*, narrated by and
featuring Nin.
“...inspired by the prologue to my *HOUSE OF INCEST* and the line: ‘I
remember my first birth in water.’ The film evoked the watery depths of the
lost continent of Atlantis. It is a lyrical journey into prenatal memories,
the theme of birth and rebirth from the sea.” –Anaïs Nin

Ken Jacobs *LITTLE STABS AT HAPPINESS* (1959-63, 18 min, 16mm. With Jack
“Material was cut in as it came out of the camera, embarrassing moments
intact. 100’ rolls timed well with music on old 78s. I was interested in
immediacy, a sense of ease, and an art where suffering was acknowledged but
not trivialized with dramatics. Whimsy was our achievement, as well as
breaking out of step.” –Ken Jacobs

Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, and James Agee *IN THE STREET* (1952, 12 min,
16mm, b&w. Preserved by Anthology Film Archives.)
“Informality is indeed the crucial and virtually definitive quality of *IN
THE STREET*; it is even the guiding principle and vision. […] This is the
extreme realization of a classic ‘naturalistic’ genre, the German ‘street
film,’ where the street was imaged as the arena of the everyday and random,
the channel in which the ‘stream of life’ conveniently became microcosmic.”

Willard Maas *GEOGRAPHY OF THE BODY* (1943, 7 min, 16mm, b&w. Preserved by
Anthology with support from The National Film Preservation Foundation.)
“The terrors and splendors of the human body as the undiscovered,
mysterious continent.” –Willard Maas

Total running time: ca. 55 min.

*WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
7pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
by Ken Jacobs, 1969, 115 min, 16mm, b&w/color, silent

“Original 1905 film shot and probably directed by G.W. ‘Billy’ Bitzer,
rescued via a paper print filed for copyright purposes with the Library of
Congress. It is most reverently examined here, absolutely loved, with a new
movie, almost as a side effect, coming into being.” –Ken Jacobs

*THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Pacific Film Archive*
2155 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94720
*WILMINGTON 10—U.S.A. 10,000*
Haile Gerima, Color, DCP, 120min, 1979

While living in Washington, DC, Skip Norman made the acquaintance of
legendary Ethiopian filmmaker Haile Gerima, eventually leading to his role
as cinematographer on Gerima’s feature documentary *Wilmington 10—U.S.A.
10,000*. Centered on the wrongful 1972 imprisonment of nine men and one
woman from the North Carolina city—then still incarcerated on trumped-up
charges of arson and conspiracy—the film traces both the background of the
accusations and the groundswell of national and international support
calling for the release of the accused. Boldly nonlinear in its assemblage
and expansive in scope, the film connects the prisoners’ plight with the
1898 Wilmington Massacre, an unfinished civil rights movement, and
contemporary liberation movements stretching from Chile to South Africa,
interweaving interviews with members of the jailed group and fellow
political prisoner Assata Shakur with an intergenerational symphony of
voices from Wilmington locals—giving notable space to reflections of the
community’s Black women. As with several of Norman’s own projects, the
result is cumulative, choruslike, and vivid, effortlessly locating intimate
details within a macro understanding and critique of racist systems and
--Jesse Cumming


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
5:30 PST,
Phyllis Wattis Theater, SFMOMA, 151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA
Hosted by Steve Anker, Mark Wilson, Linda Scobie, and Zach Iannazzi

*Place d’Or*, 10min, 2023, 18fps, silent
*Caracole for Izcali*, 18min, 2023, 18fps, silent
*Dialogues*, 18min, 2022, 18fps, silent
*Interval*, 13min, 2021, 18fps, silent
*O Death*, 5min, 2023, 18fps, silent

IMPORTANT – PLEASE PLAN TO ARRIVE BEFORE 6pm. Doors open at 5:30 and at 6pm
the doors will close, although an attendant will remain just a few minutes
longer to usher you in during the brief introductions. Once the program
begins, late arriving guests will only be able to enter the theater and
take their seats between films.

To access the Wattis Theater, enter the museum on 3rd street. The doors to
the theater are located towards the back left of the museum’s atrium, on
the ground floor. This screening is not a museum event and no ticket is
required to enter the atrium or theater. Please do not trouble any museum
staff with questions about the screening, they will not have any
information and won’t be able answer. If you would like to extend
invitations to friends, we encourage this. Please send them a copy of this
text or the link to the FB event, including all the above information.


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
7pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY

Humphrey Jennings, *LISTEN TO BRITAIN* (1941, 19 min, 35mm, b&w)
Jennings’s film is a masterpiece of sound mixing; it creates an audio
landscape of Britain during the war, with images both accompanying and
conflicting with the multitude of sounds.

Dimitri Kirsanoff, *MÉNILMONTANT* (1924-25, 38 min, 35mm, b&w, silent)
“[T]o a remarkable degree, *MÉNILMONTANT* seems an autonomous creation, as
sophisticated and demanding as any narrative film of the silent period,
without obvious imitators. Although Richard Abel has astutely called
attention to aspects the film shares with Abel Gance’s *LA ROUE* (1923) and
Leon Moussinac’s *LE BRASIER ARDENT* (1923)…and with Jean Epstein’s *COEUR
FIDELE* (1923) …any comparison of the film as a whole with those admirable
works would have to underline the intensity, uniqueness, and exceptional
rigor of Kirsanoff’s achievement.” –P. Adams Sitney, THE CINEMA OF POETRY

Total running time: ca. 60 min


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
8:45pm ET,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY

*DUO CONCERTANTES* (1962-64, 6 min, 16mm, b&w)
*HAMFAT ASAR* (1965, 13 min, 16mm, b&w)
*GYMNOPEDIES* (1968, 6 min, 16mm)
*THE OLD HOUSE, PASSING* (1966, 45 min, 16mm, b&w. Preserved by Anthology
Film Archives.)
*OUR LADY OF THE SPHERE* (1968, 9 min, 35mm)
“With a taste for nostalgic romanticism…Jordan creates a magical universe
of work using old steel engravings and collectable memorabilia. His 50-year
pursuit into the subconscious mind gives him a place in the annals of
cinema as a prolific animator on a voyage into the surreal psychology of
the inner self.” –Jackie Leger

Total running time: ca. 85 min

*FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2024* *March 1 - 3*
Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Anthology Film Archives*
7:30pm ET each night,
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY
Fred Riedel, 2023, 98 min, DCP
Film Trailer here

Ken Jacobs is one of the titans of American experimental cinema, whose
ever-expanding body of work encompasses everything from anarchic
underground short films made in collaboration with Jack Smith and others
beginning in the late 1950s, the structuralist landmark *TOM, TOM, THE
PIPER’S SON* (1969), and the epic, politically impassioned assemblage *STAR
SPANGLED TO DEATH* (1956-2004), to his Nervous System and Nervous Magic
Lantern live cinema performances and his numerous experiments with
different forms of 3D image making. The enormity of Jacobs’s artistic
accomplishment, the freedom with which he’s explored new technologies, new
forms, and new ideas, and the degree of influence he’s exerted on other
artists are such that it’s hard to believe he’s never been the subject of a
feature-length documentary film portrait until now. Happily, Fred Riedel
has righted that wrong with the completion of *KEN JACOBS – FROM ORCHARD
STREET TO THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART*, which comprises a sort of illustrated
guided tour through Jacobs’s life and work. Combining an extended and
sometimes disarmingly personal interview with Ken and his partner in life
and art, Flo Jacobs, with copious excerpts from his astonishingly
multi-faceted body of moving-image work, Riedel’s film demonstrates not
only Jacobs’s creative accomplishments but also his restless intelligence,
his inimitable personality, and his unheralded verbal genius.

“This is the third film in a series I’ve made exploring the creative
process in a purposefully low-key manner that permits me an unusual degree
of one-on-one intimacy with my subject over a long period of time. I have
known Ken Jacobs since I was a student of his in the 1970s. I later
distributed several of his films and curated screenings and collections in
NY (at P.S.1, the Bleecker Street Cinema, NYPL, etc.) which included his
work. It was primarily his films, especially *TOM, TOM, THE PIPER’S
SON* (1969),
that changed my view of cinema and led me back to his art again and again.
At an outdoor screening Ken presented at MoMA during the pandemic I was
struck by the sudden realization that I needed to make this film.” –Fred

Plus: Ken Jacobs *DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE* 2023, 8.5 min, digital

Total running time: ca. 110 min.

Director Fred Riedel will be here in person for all three screenings, and
will be joined by Ken Jacobs on Sat, Mar 2


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Toy Sheep microcinema*
8:30 Eastern,
Appalachian Theater, 559 West King St, Boone, NC
Durham Cinematheque presents STRANGE ARCHIVES, featuring *Interviewed*."Formed
around six anonymous interviews filmed in Salt Lake City in December of
1960, *Interviewed* is not a documentary, but an archival extrapolation
created by film maker Tom Whiteside and audio artist Khristian Weeks. Each
interview is one continuous take, presented uncut, with supplementary
material added to create breathing room for the viewer. This 62 minute film
will be preceded by two shorts from the Durham Cinematheque collection.
Admission is free, donations accepted.


Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*No Name Cinema*
7pm MST,
No Name Cinema, 2013 Pinon Street, Santa Fe, NM
Tucked away in the village of Alfred in rural western New York, the
experimental film and media arts festival Light Matter has become “a major
East Coast showcase for experimental film and video” in three short years.
Spurred by a desire to bring together the often disconnected worlds of Film
and Media Arts, curator James Hansen constructs thoughtful, eccentric
programs that seek to create conversation between individual works,
showcasing both emerging and established artists.... In 2024, Light Matter
is taking its show on the road, with stops in Santa Fe, NYC and Chicago.
Spanning a host of mediums, medias, and styles, “this festival regards
experimental media less as a genre and more as an open question, a form
whose identity flickers into being at the moment when light hits the
screen.” This traveling program is for any film lover with a sense of
adventure, a tolerance for flicker, and an open mind.

Featuring short films and videos by Eduardo Gutierrez (Peru), Laura Kraning
(USA), Jude Abu Zaineh (Canada/Palestine), Simon Payne (UK), Valentin
Sismann (France), Michael Lyons (Japan), Tina Sulc Resnik (Slovenia),
Lorelei d’Andriole (USA), Teri Carson (Mexico), Joanna & Mark Byrne (UK),
Esperanza Collado (Spain), Abinadi Meza (USA/Mexico), Bridget Coderc (UK),
and Linnea Nugent (USA)

Curator James Hansen in attendance from NY + post-screening Q&A!

*SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Pacific Film Archive*
4PM PST, 2155 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94720
Susana de Sousa Dias, B&W, DCP, 93min, 2009, Portuguese with English

Susana de Sousa Dias’s remarkable, hypnotic film is composed of photographs
from the archive of the Portuguese army, taken upon the arrest of political
prisoners during the forty-eight years of dictatorial regime in Portugal
and its colonies (1926–74). As prisoners stare out at us, we hear their
reflections on their time in prison, recorded by de Sousa Dias decades
after the Carnation Revolution, and are invited to contemplate what a
photograph reveals and what it conceals. A sequence featuring testimony of
Mozambican anticolonial resistance fighters, accompanied by slowed army
footage shot in Guinea-Bissau, acknowledges what is missing from the
archives. Sousa Dias reflected, “I came to realize that there is a reason
for the colonial wars having been a kind of taboo in Portugal for the first
three decades after the Revolution: The people who had been in Africa
fighting in the colonies were the very same people who carried out the

*SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2024* Venue type: *Live, physical event*
*Shapeshifters Cinema*
6pm PST,
567 5th St, Oakland, CA
March is Women's History month! And we are kicking off this month's
programming with a stellar screening of films made over the past 50 years
that speak to a spectrum of women's issues including mother-child
relationships, mental health and self-determination.

This very special screening will include the films *Schmeerguntz* (1965)
by Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley, *Anything You Want to Be* (1971) by Liane
Brandon, *Women and Children at Large* (1973) by Freude, *Killing Time* (1979)
by Fronza Woods, *Artificial Paradise* (1986) by Chick Strand, *Chronicles
of a Lying Spirit by Kelly Gabron* (1992) by Cauleen Smith, *Noa, Noa* (2006)
by Lynne Sachs, *Our Voices in Reverse *(2013) by Nadia Shihab, *The Way
Light Keeps its Shadow* (working title/WIP) by Vanessa Woods, and *Edge of
Alchemy* (2017) by Stacey Steers.

We will also have a raffle for prizes including DVDs, books, handmade art
and more! All proceeds from the event will go towards supporting the
forthcoming series *Gravitational Lensing: Feminist Film Dialogues*, that
we will be launching at Shapeshifters beginning in April. Many thanks to
the filmmakers and to Canyon Cinema, Pacific Film Archive and Women Make
Movies for loaning films for this event!


Venue type: *Virtual, online event*
Riverwest Radio
streaming 24/7
THE LONG CONVERSATION with Xav Leplae and Stephanie Barber is on indefinite
hold. But... all episodes from the last year and a half are streaming!!!


Venue type: *Virtual, online event*
6x6 Project
streaming 24/7
*Artists' Moving Image Works*
6x6 project is an online artists' community that serves as a platform for
disseminating artists' moving image works, and to create
an ever-growing network among peers.

There are now more than four hundred artists’ film and moving image works
available to view on the website.


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looking to raise $375.
Any additional funds we raise will go toward future months and years!

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