i wonder if these are relevent to your program; my apologies if now...

i saw a home videos piece of pierre clementi from the '80s - i believe
michel auder shot it - please correct me if i'm wrong - in this pierre
smokes pots and plays flute on his own roof!

i would also recommend the anton perich video of victor hugo at home
destroying his andy warhol painting - takes home movies to the next

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 4:13 PM, luis ? <mabaluf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Frameworks!
> I'm preparing a programm about Found Footage using home movies.
> For example Cécile Fontaine, Laboratorium (spain), Pat O'neil, Su
> Frederich...
> Any other suggestion? Filmmakers, films, texts??
> Thanks!
> Luis Macías
> 629709266
> mabaluf...@gmail.com
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