Scott brings up one of the things that has been missing from Chick's 
obituaries---his role as an early instigator of Canyon Cinema. Both in 
exhibition (Bruce Baillie approached Chick about trying to screen films in 
Berkeley, outside the shadows of Canyon CA), and in making---Chick's basement 
became an ad hoc editing facility where films like To Parsifal were completed. 
I guess when you have such a varied career, not everything makes it into the 
final narrative.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Chick on two occasions for a film I've been 
making, and was continually struck by his warmth and generosity. Even in the 
limited time I spent with him, he was, exactly as Scott says, unpretentious. 
And, best of all, the guy had a great memory! What surprised me most about his 
passing was discovering how old he was. He spoke and acted like someone twenty 
years younger. 
I wanted to share a clip from one of my interviews with him, a great little 
story about the CIA and Canyon. He always seemed to sparkle, especially when 
talking about those anarchic Canyon days. And it makes me sad he won't get to 
see the final film.


Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 13:43:55 -0700
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Fwd: Ernest Callenbach's last words to an America in 

Chick Callenbach was a wonderful editor, always a pleasure to work with, 
unpretentiously and engagingly intelligent. He was a crucial contributor to the 
development of Canyon Cinema, and he built FILM QUARTERLY into one of the 
premiere publications in the world of cinema studies. He was more widely known 
for his utopian writing, and ECOTOPIA in particular, but his influence on film 
history has been crucial. 
RIP, dear Chick.Scott

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: [Frameworks] Fwd: Ernest Callenbach's last words to an America

in decline

From: Idiolect <>

Date: Mon, May 07, 2012 11:10 am

To: Experimental Film Film Discussion List


I received this from a friend.  Many frameworkers will mourn his passing.  Film 
Quarterly was one of the best journals under his leaderhship.


For most of those on this list, Ernest "Chick" Callenbach's classic novel, 
ECOTOPIA needs no introduction. I'd known Callenbach since the 1960s through 
his magazine, Film Quarterly, and also as an acquantance in the Bay Area, where 
we ran into each other every so often for many years. I admired him and his 
work greatly, and have long been convinced that ECOTOPIA will find a second 
life as a blueprint for thought and action as we heave into increasingly 
uncertain times.

It was only when Lou Judson sent me this article today that I learned that, 
sadly, "Chick" had passed away on April 16th. You can read his powerful, final 
essay, "Epistle to the Ecotopians," on Tom Englehardt's excellent TomDispatch 


-- Sandy_______________________________________________

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